William Penn Life, 1983 (18. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
1983-01-01 / 1. szám
Official Notice . . . (Continued from Page 1) 5. The Board of Directors shall cause to be published in the January issue of the Official Publication preceding the date of the regular meeting of the General Convention, the official certification of the number of delegates to which each Delegate District is entitled. In the same issue, the Board of Directors shall direct the National Secretary to publish the number of delegates to be elected in the month of May, the name of the District Secretary for Chapter II, Delegates to the General Convention, Section 1, 2 and 3 of the William Penn Association By-Laws reads as follows: 1. The Board of Directors, by a majority vote of the entire Board, shall divide the membership of the Association into Delegate Districts, considering the number of adult benefit certificates in force and any other factors that the Board of Directors may consider material. 2. A Branch having no less than 500 adult benefit certificates in force shall comprise a Delegate District. 3. Branches having less than 500 adult benefit certificates in force shall be grouped to form an Area Delegate District, or the Board may assign such Branch or Branches to a Delegate District for representation purposes. “The vote of a member must be cast in person at the designated location in the Delegate District. The members in Area Delegate Districts shall cast their vote by mail, etc.” The Board of Directors, in compliance with by-law requirements has divided the membership into Delegate Districts and AREA DELEGATE DISTRICTS. These Districts are published elsewhere in . this official publication. Each adult member in good standing is requested to look at this listing in order to ascertain which District his or her Branch belongs. If you are a member of a smaller Branch which is assigned to an AREA DELEGATE DISTRICT, we publish herewith the procedure to be followed in electing delegates and alternate delegates. There will be a slate of nominees for Delegates and a separate each Delegate District and manner of nominating and electing delegates and alternate delegates. Such publication shall be deemed sufficient notice to all members. On Page 1 2, Section 6D to read as follows: The vote of a member must be cast in person at a designated location in the Delegate District to which he is assigned. The members in Area Delegate Districts shall cast their vote by mail. A member shall be entitled to but one vote, regardless of the number of adult benefit certificates issued to him. slate of nominees for Alternate Delegates. The coordinator and responsible person in the Districts is the AREA DELEGATE DISTRICT SECRETARY who has already been appointed by the Board of Directors. The name of the District Secretary can be found in the District listing elsewhere in this publication. The Area Delegate District Secretary will appoint a Nominating Committee made up of members in the Area District. The Nominating Committee will be appointed by the District Secretary no later than March l, 1983. The Nominating Committee must make its written report to the District Secretary by April 1, 1983. The Area Delegate District Secretary by April 15, 1983 will notify each Branch Manager in his Area District as to who the Nominees for Delegate and Alternate Delegate are. The Area District Secretary will at the same time instruct each Branch Manager that it is his responsibility to inform the adult Branch members at the regular Branch meeting as to who the nominees are, by reading the Report of the Nominating Committee. They shall also be instructed that Branch members of the Area District shall vote only for the number of Delegates and Alternates the Area District is entitled to. Voting must be by mail and the vote must be mailed to the Area District Secretary. The member voting must sign the letter and give his membership certificate number and Branch number. Anyone voting for more than the designated number of Delegates and Alternates, shall have his vote declared void, therefore, to insure that your vote counts, do not vote for more than the SPECIAL NOTICE The U.S. Postal Service has requested the Association to change all City and State abbreviations to conform to official standards. We are now in the process of complying with this request. We have been assured that this change will result in a savings to the Association, and will mean speedier mail delivery to our members. If you receive any mail that has not been addressed correctly, please notify the Home Office. 'number of Delegates and Alternates your Area District is entitled to. The mail vote must be at the address of the Area District Secretary by May 31, 1983 because the Board of Directors have set May 1983 to be the month in which Convention Delegates and Alternates are to be elected. Mail votes postmarked after May 31, 1983 will be voided. If a family is insured under a Family Plan either Life Plan, or Hospitalization Plan, only the person insured under the basic plan and whose name appears on the Branch status report is eligible to vote, Family Plan members cannot vote nor can they be elected to office. Any member in good standing who is 16 years of age or more in May 1983 is eligible to vote. Anyone who has a Reduced Paid-Up certificate, is in Automatic Premium Loan or is being kept in force by Extended Insurance, cannot vote. No one can be a candidate for Delegate or Alternate Delegate who has not been a member of the Association for one full year prior to May 31, 1983 or anyone who has not attained age 18 or who is not a citizen of the U.S.A. Contracted or appointed Officers, Home Office employees, District Office employees, General Agents, Contracted Agents, cannot be candidates for Delegate or Alternate. Branch Managers (part time) and Special Agents appointed by the National President or Home Office of the Association may be candidates. The Area District Secretary will by certified mail submit the election results to the National Secretary by June 3rd, 1983 at the latest. The National Secretary will publish the names of the elected Delegates and Alternate Delegates in the next issue of WILLIAM PENN LIFE. Under this procedural system, each member of the Association is assured representation at the Convention which is the supreme legislative and governing body of the Association. Procedure for Electing Delegates and Alternate Delegates in the Official Area Delegate Districts Election for 1983 General Convention 2