William Penn Life, 1983 (18. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1983-01-01 / 1. szám

Procedure for Electing Delegates and Alternate Delegates in the Official Delegate District Elections for 1983 General Convention The Board of Directors, in accord­ance with CHAPTER II, Section 1 (5) has directed me, the undersigned Na­tional Secretary of WILLIAM PENN ASSOCIATION, to publish the delegate districts in January 1983 issue of the William Penn Life. All branches with 500 or more adult benefit cer­tificates in force December 31, 1982, constitute a delegate district. The list of delegate districts can be found elsewhere in this issue. This list also in­dicates the number of delegates and alternate delegates a district is eligible to elect. The name of the District Secretary is also listed. The Board of Directors has set the month of May 1983 for the election of delegates and alternate delegates to the 30th General Convention, to be held commencing Monday, September 12, 1983, in the William Penn Hotel, Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Procedure for electing delegates and alternate delegates from the designated districts is as follows: 1. The District Secretary shall ap­point a District Nominating Commit­tee of members from within the delegate district. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to nominate candidates for delegates and alternate delegates. There will be a separate slate made for delegate can­didates and a separate slate for alter­nate candidates. 2. The Nominating Committee shall file its report, in duplicate, no later than 30 days prior to the date set by the District Secretary for the delegate district election. One copy shall be mailed to the National Secretary at the Home Office and one copy to the District Secretary. 3. Nominations for delegates and alternate delegates may also be made by written petition of no less than 25 adult members in good standing in the delegate district. The petition must be filed with the District Secretary and National Secretary 30 days before the election date set by the District Secretary. 4. Nomination may also be made from the floor of the delegate district meeting. 5. The District Secretary will fix the date, place and time of election in the month of May 1983 as established by the Board. Notice may be given by publication in any local paper, by mail or by publication in the April issue of WILLIAM PENN LIFE. 6. A register will be maintained by the District Secretary or an assistant, of the members voting. The Branch status report for the period ending April 30, 1983, will be the official register for members eligible to vote. If a member attains age 16 or over is issued a benefit certificte effective May 1983, he or she will be eligible to vote at the district delegate meeting. 7. The District Secretary will, by certified mail, submit the election results. Minutes of the meeting and the registration list, or its photocopy, to the National Secretary at the Home Of­fice within three days after the election has been held. 8. Qualifications for delegate and alternate delegate; candidate must be an adult benefit member in good stand­ing; in the delegate district and a) Must be an adult, attained age 18, benefit member of the Association for one full calendar year prior to the Develop Sense Of Humor Humor implies a sense of propor­tion — the ability to put upsetting cir­cumstances into the context of life as a whole. Life has its ups and downs. But a good part of it is rather smooth. Even the routine events and activities can be seasoned by sprinkles of good­­natured laughter. Sydney Smith (1771-1845) said it well: “God has given us wit, and flavor, and brightness, and laughter to enliven the days of man’s pilgrim­age.” General Convention, and a citizen of the United States of America. b) Must not have business or per­sonal interest which would constitute a conflict of interest in relation to the business operation of William Penn Association. c) Must not be an Officer contracted or appointed by the Board of Direc­tors, Home Office employee, District Office employee, General Agent, Agent under Contractor, except part­­time Branch Managers and Special Agents appointed by the Association. d) Must not have any financial obligation to the Association as the result of previous employment, or has terminated employment less than one year prior to district delegate meeting. e) May or may not be a person who may directly or indirectly have caused to involve the Association in litigation, without first having his complaint by the Board of Directors. 0 May not be a person who has discontinued premium payments and has exercised the non-forfeiture option of his certificate either in the form of Extended Insurance, Automatic Premium Loan or Reduced Paid-Up. g) The Board of Directors or its Ex­ecutive Committee shall determine whether a candidate for delegate or alternate delegate is or is not a member in good standing. The decision of the Board of Direc­tors or its Executive Committee as to whether or not the candidate is in good standing shall be final. 9. The vote of a member must be cast at the designated location. A member shall be entitled to one vote only even though he may have more than one certificate. 10. In the event of a tie vote for delegate or alternate delegate, the elec­tion shall be decided by lot by the can­didates involved, in the presence of the District Secretary. 11. The names of the elected delegates and alternate delegates together with the names of the ex­­officio delegates shall be published in the WILLIAM PENN LIFE issue directly preceding the General Conven­tion. Such publication shall be deemed to be sufficient notice to all members and delegates. Any questions regarding these elec­tions should be directed to the respec­tive appointed District Secretary. Dated at Pittsburgh, Pa. this 28th day of January, 1983. Gus G. Nagy National Secretary-Treasurer 3

