Juhász Gyula - Szántó András: Hotels - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1999)

The Hunting Horn atres, concert halls, or even circuses. It was in the Hét Választó Fejedelem (Seven Prince-Electors) in Váci utca where Farkas Kempelen presented his chess-playing machine to the public, and that was also where an infant Ferenc Liszt played the piano to enthusiastic audiences. In the 19th century it was quite common for the wealthy to put up at hotels. Opened in the late 1810s, the Va­dászkürt (Hunting Horn) accommodated the young poet Vörösmarty, while Miklós Wesselényi and Zsig- mond Kemény spent very long periods here-months the former and years the latter. At the corner of today’s Deák Ferenc utca and Vigadó tér there stood, at the end of the 18th century, the property of one János Kem­The lobby of the the Hunting Horn in the early 1900s 4

