Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

If you Fall Ill

ron machines continuously monitored by a central computer (these are the most recent developments of modem technology). The use of modern chairs (and not beds) in dialysis treatment means a lot to its pa­tients. Television with earphones, and video are avail­able, meals are served, too. They treat patients in three shifts on appointment. Proof of HIV- and HbsAg-nega- tive is required. They are also closed on Sundays. (Address: 1043 Budapest, ív, Perényi Zsigmond u. 64. TEL: 169-1030) Orthopaedic Workshop (in the National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation) A place of special interest for the handicapped. Lami­nated and modular lower limb prostheses are made here, which conform to the European standards and regulations in every aspect, and what’s more, they are sixty percent cheaper, too! The interest from abroad is so great that several small hotels had to be built nearby for foreign patients, although the hospital itself has special wards. You should be prepared for a long stay in Budapest, while the prosthesis is being made. It usually takes about two weeks after the initial medical examination, followed by another two weeks, while you are taught how to use it correctly, and you get used to it. You need to make an appointment. (Correspondence: me Budapest, Pf. 123. Address: 1128 Budapest, xii, Szanatórium u. 2. Tel.: 176-0733; Fax: 176-7287) Somno-Med Sleep Disorder Clinic This private clinic is of special interest. CJnlike the mush­rooming, widely advertised, professionally doubtful “paramedicinal” clinics, this is scientifically based, and successful, too. Its neurologists and psychiatrists will diagnose and cure a wide range of neurological ill­nesses, epilepsy and sleep disturbances (hypersomnia, insomnia, etc.). In order to achieve this they have de­veloped modern diagnostic methods and have the appropriate equipment as well. (Address: 1027 Budapest, ii, Margit körút 50-52. TEL: 201-6141) 23

