Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)
If you Fall Ill
Focus-Medical Institute for Ophthalmic Microsurgery This institute specializes in a debated area of ophthalmology. Its success cannot, however, be questioned, and it is a widely used technique. Radial cheratotomy has been performed by the hundred thousands in the ünited States and the old Soviet CJnion. Thanks to this operation many could get rid of their glasses for good. This microsurgical operation effecting the cornea was used successfully with myopia, and other eye diseases, too (such as presbyopia, types of strabismus). The institute employs experienced foreign ophthalmologists who themselves have performed several thousands of operations, making them “unbeatable” in the field in Hungary. These operations, carried out on one eye only are preceded by thorough computerized diagnostics, during which all areas of the eyeball are diagnosed. They last longer than the operation itself which is carried out under local anaesthetic. Afterwards the patient can walk or even drive home. The building of the Institute is in the grounds of the National Rehabilitational Institute. They work long hours and you need to make an appointment, sometimes several months in advance. An eye operation must be preceded by a thorough examination 24