Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

If you Fall Ill

Rolicare Dialízis Ltd. This is the first private organization to operate a dialysis centre. The largest is installed at St Imre Hospital in a separate modern building. Working the ten com­puterized dialysis machines developed in Hungary in three shifts (except Sundays) they carry out 11,000 treatments annually. The dialysis centre conforms to all the modern Euro­pean standards and regulations. Its experienced professional staff speak both English and German. They try to make the demanding process of dialysis as comfortable as possible for the patients: TV, video and music facilities are available. They only accept HbsAg- and HIV-negative patients. (St László Hospital is equip­ped to treat patients who have contracted either of the two viruses.) (Address: 1111 Budapest xi, Tétényi út 12/14. TEL: 185-1202) Foreign kidney patients can make appointments at the following address in Germany, too: HI-CARE LTD. Bruckner Str. 54, D-7000 Stuttgart, GERMANY TEL: (49)7ll69-6633; FAX: (49) 71169-174l) Nephrocentrum Foundation This is an even newer dialysis centre, opened in Sep­tember 1991. It might be of interest to well-read kidney patients that they use German Miro IHP controlled Rolit­Work at the dialysis centre 22

