Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)
If you Fall Ill
Rolicare Dialízis Ltd. This is the first private organization to operate a dialysis centre. The largest is installed at St Imre Hospital in a separate modern building. Working the ten computerized dialysis machines developed in Hungary in three shifts (except Sundays) they carry out 11,000 treatments annually. The dialysis centre conforms to all the modern European standards and regulations. Its experienced professional staff speak both English and German. They try to make the demanding process of dialysis as comfortable as possible for the patients: TV, video and music facilities are available. They only accept HbsAg- and HIV-negative patients. (St László Hospital is equipped to treat patients who have contracted either of the two viruses.) (Address: 1111 Budapest xi, Tétényi út 12/14. TEL: 185-1202) Foreign kidney patients can make appointments at the following address in Germany, too: HI-CARE LTD. Bruckner Str. 54, D-7000 Stuttgart, GERMANY TEL: (49)7ll69-6633; FAX: (49) 71169-174l) Nephrocentrum Foundation This is an even newer dialysis centre, opened in September 1991. It might be of interest to well-read kidney patients that they use German Miro IHP controlled RolitWork at the dialysis centre 22