Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

If you Fall Ill

So that it heals well... Out-patient departments The out-patient departments run by the council are listed in the telephone directory. Below we only list the ones outstanding for their equipment, special areas or services. International Medical Centre Owned by Israel, this diagnostic centre was built in 1991. It prides itself on owning the most advanced medical equipment. The most important diagnostic methods use several cardiological instruments (Holter monitoring, exercise testers, Doppler echocardio­graphy). Every variety of ultrasound testing is possible. They are able to carry out computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and others. They also have an ultrasound lithotripsy machine. Foreigners are accepted on appointment for cash from 8 am to 6 pm. The Centre is in the building of the Hospital of the Hungarian Railway Company (MÁV), therefore seriously ill patients can be given hospital treatment, subject to their contract. (Address: io64 Budapest, vi. Dózsa György út 112. TEL: 112-2214, 112-6090) 21

