Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

If you Fall Ill

Every district has its own adult out-patient clinic on duty, while there are only five children’s clinics in Bu­dapest: I, 11, 111, XI, XII, XXII district: II, Henger u. 1. (Tel.: 135-9335; 135-9750) IV, V, VI, XIII, XV district: XIII, Gyöngyösi u. 29. (Tel.: 120-8403) VII, X, XIV, XVI, XVII district: XVI, Ida u. 6. (Tel.: 141-5150; 142-5114) VIII, IX, XIX, XXI district: Vili, Delej u. 11/13. (Tel.: 114-1262; 113-5947) XVIII, and XX district: XX, Köves u. 2/4. (Tel.: 157-5211; 157-2722) If you are in urgent need of a dentist, it is best to go to the Central Stomatological Institute. They are on duty twenty-four hours and are equipped for urgent dental surgery. The institute is the training clinic for the Medical University. (Address: io87 Budapest viii, Szentkirályi ti 40. Tel: 133-0970; 134-3582) First-aid Apart from the ambulance services and the general practitioner service, it is the duty of every hospital to be prepared for emergencies, whether or not you are a foreigner. Certain special problems (surgical, eye, skin) can only be treated by the hospital on duty. (The Am­bulance Service can give you the information as to which hospital’s special ward is on duty. Tel.: 111- 1666). We recommend the Central Traumatology Depart­ment to those with minor injuries (bruises, sprains, dis­located and broken limbs, etc.), since these can be treated at the out-patient department. The great advan­tage is that it is right next to the national Institute of Traumatology, the largest traumatology in the country, with 370 beds, to which it belongs to institutionally as well. This way necessary operations can be performed on the spot, making long transportation unnecessary. (Address: io87 Budapest, viii, Fiumei út 17. Tel.: 113-7490) If you are looking for a friend or relative who has had an accident, call the Traumatology Department on: 133-7599 20

