Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

If you have an Accident

/ Ambulance at work In the case of an accident anyone can call a doctor by dialling 04. The type of ambulance sent out depends on how serious the accident is. The ambulance service is still free (in 1992) to both Hungarians and foreigners. It is necessary that OMSZ should adapt to our ever growing world. On 1st June 1992, the National Am­bulance Service set up an International Emergency Centre (Alarmcentre) to provide for the efficient trans­portation of patients to and from abroad. It is an emer­gency service involving medical and paramedical staff, drivers and even pilots. This service may be used by Hungarian and foreign nationals, but there is a charge, however. For foreign patients this fee is later paid by their insurance companies. Scheduled flights are used for long distance trans­portation. Medical or paramedical assistance is provided if necessary. (TEL: 120-2470; FAX: 120-8092; TELEX: 227445) Maltese Charity Service A charity service, therefore it is free of charge. Its or­ganization, staff, professional work is similar to OMSZ. 16

