Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

If you have an Accident

At weekends (Friday to Monday) their ambulances can also be called. (Their own number is: 17&6122) “A helpful hand” (Segítőkéz) Ambulance Service They own various medical vehicles, but use their am­bulances for transportation mainly. They are contracted with various insurance companies, which makes their services more available to foreigners. They charge 50 forints a kilometer. (TEL: 175-7329) Private Doctor Service (Személyi Orvosi Szolgálat) The company was founded by the Danish Falck am­bulance service, Baltica insurance company and a group of Hungarians. Providing an emergency service with its well equipped modern Mercedes ambulances and aeroplanes is only one of its profiles. This 24 hour service offers a general practitioner service including home visits, doctors on call 24 hours. They organize regular medical screenings and nursing for the elderly and chronically ill patients. They give medical advice and their doctors speak several languages. (Address: 1015 Budapest, i, Csalogány u. 4/d. Tel.: 118-8288; FAX: 118-8012; EMERGENCY TEL: 118-8212) Peter Cerny Foundation Ambulance Service This is a portable “intensive premature baby care unit” that works in Budapest and within a one hundred and twenty kilometer radius. Since its founding in 1988 it has transferred over three thousand premature babies from “normal” maternity wards to specialized clinics, so-called Perinatal Intensive Centres (PIC). Since it was established, maternity wards of forty hospitals have asked for their assistance in delivery room resuscitation cases. Their emergency treatment has been successful in ninety percent of cases. With the help of their speci­ally equipped ambulances equipped with incubators, premature life saving equipment, their specialists have managed to visibly reduce the premature infant death- rate. Special transportation reduces the chances of permanent disorder (to vision, hearing, the organs of 17

