Szatmári Gizella: Walks in the Castle District - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2001)

The courtyard of the former Erdödy Mansion pest History Museum, the male masks on the columns framing the gate preserve the features of Nepauer himself (and thus qualify as self-portraits). Beethoven resided here as a guest of the landlord count in 1800, when he played the piano part of his cornet sonata. The building was owned by József Hatvány in 1912; the proprietor’s ornamental escutcheon is still in evidence on the gable. The Music History Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, an institution based on the Bar­tók Archives established in 1969, has been housed here since 1984. Its permanent exhibition features a variety of musical instruments from the 18th-20th centuries and original manuscripts by Béla Bartók can also be found here. Cut in rock, the lower level of the double basement below the early Classicist building at No. 5 was once used as an ice-pit by the Janissaries garrisoned in the Castle. Once raised by the Buda Magistrate Ferenc Szla- tiny on the ruins of a medieval house, the building at No. 1 today houses the National Inspectorate of Historical Monuments. The side faqade overlooking Ibolya utca features, fittingly, a memorial plaque (Erzsébet Schaár, 1972) with the portrait of Imre Henszlmann 15

