Szatmári Gizella: Walks in the Castle District - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2001)
The replica of the Matthias monument of Bautzen (1813-88), art historian, archaeologist, the founder of the institutional protection of historic sites in Hungary and the first official of the Mational Committee for Historic Monuments. The beginning of Tácsics Mihály utca joins Hess András tér. The square was named in 1954 after the first printer based in Buda who moved here, at the encouragement of László Karai, Provost of Buda, from Rome in 1472, during the reign of King Matthias Corvinus. On the site of the building standing at No. 4 today were as many as three houses in the late 14th century. One of these belonged to the Provost, Matthias’s Vice Chancellor, and it is probably here that the printing press was operated. This is where the Buda Chronicle, the first book printed in Hungary, came from Hess’s press in 1473, within two decades of the appearance of the Gutenberg Bible. The Budapest Hilton Hotel (at No. 1 Hess András tér) was built over the ruins of the Dominican Church of St. Nicholas, which was constructed between 1248 and 1252. The remnants of walls, the surviving buttresses of the sacristy, the Gothic ambulatory and the gate, a 16