The Eighth Hungarian Tribe, 1986 (13. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1986-01-01 / 1-2. szám
BATOR VÁMOS-TOTH It is a well-known, scientific Fact that geographical names (toponyms) are very reliable guides tracing back the Ancient History of mankind. The toponyms are extremely conservative; those of the rivers, lakes, creeks particularly. Peoples generally don't change toponyms from time to time, the geographical areas do retain their old names. Humans having given the geographical names can't be found anymore in the respective regions but their given toponyms are still there... For example, we still have such creeks, waters as ARA, BALATA, DONG, GARAM, IZA, KAPA, LAITA, MAROS, MURA, SAVA, SHIO, TISA, TITA, ZAM - names given long-long time ago, in prehistoric times... The 14 water-names just listed above can be seen in different parts of the world and all are to be found in the Carpathian Basin as water-names as well! Taking into consideration such facts, scholars started to gather and analyse geographical names the globe over. In this endeavor the Magyar researchers are the most successful ones. Why? Because knowledge of the Magyar language, that of the Carpathian toponyms are the most important requirements to find correlative historical-scientific data. Between 1977 and 1983 researchers in Hawaii led by Dr. Vamos-Toth Bator did gather 10,000 Ancient Toponyms in 72 countries of the five continents. All these 10,000 toponyms can be seen in the Carpathaian Basin also 1) either In the Same Form (: ARANKA: River in Guyana and River in Gabon and River in Hungary; Balaton: Town in the Philippines and Town, Lake in Hungary; KARABUKA: in Bolivia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Philippines, Turkistan and Hungary, TAMANA in Australia, Burma, Columbia, India, Indonesia, Japan. New Gluineo, Oceania, Peru, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Trinidad, Venezuela and in the Carpathian Basin. TAMANA was a Town in Bácska, Hungary up to the 18th centruy, recent name of TAMANA is PALANKA!). 2) or ingredient elements of the Compound Ancient Toponyms the world over can be seen in the Carpathian Basin (: ATAKAMA: Chile, ATA, KAMA: Hungary; LELEMAKO. Hawaii, LELE, MAKO: neighboring towns in Hungary; TISAYARI: Niger, TISZAVARI are in Hungary!). Finding 10,000 Ancient Carpathian Toponyms the world over, it W8S found: 1) The more remote, secluded the geographical 8rea is (Guyana Highland, Inner-Africa, Amur-Bend Area, New Guinea Highlands/ discovered only by planes 50 years ago!) the more characteristic for this TAMANA area: the Abundance of the Carpathian Toponyms in the company of the Ancient Artistic Mand Designs and the Ancient Pentatonic Folk-songs. 2) The Carpathian Toponyms appear intercontinentally either in the Same form (BALATON, TAMANA) or in the Compound form (ATA+KAMA, LELE+MAKO). 3) The Ancient Carpathian Toponyms appear in the secluded areas in almost equal numbers proportionally. The most typical Ancient Toponym is TAMANA (TA=MANA meaning TA: Soil, Land, MANA: Spirit, Power, so TAMANA can be translated 8S FORTRESS, MOUND also ). TAMANA is PALANKA today in the Carpathian Basin but TAMANA and PALANKA are neighboring Creeks in Columbia among Hundreds of Carpathian toponyms*Mand Designs*Pentatonic Music!!! In addition to the Three Findings above we have to mention Three other Facts: 1) The cognate relationship of the Polynesian, Inca-Quechua, Maya, Muntte, Dravidian languages with the Ural-Altaic (Magyar, Turkish, Mongolian, Korean, Japanese); 2) In the Antique Cultures (Catalhöyük, Carpathian, African-Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indus-Valley, Chinese, Polynesian, May-lnca) the Agglutinative Language, Carpathian- Identical Toponyms, Mand-Designs and Pentatonic Melody were Basic Elements of their cultures; 3) The Magyar Language (in the Carpathian toponym ic, Mand Design and Pentatonic Scale environment) does contain the most numerous Ancient Root Words 8mong the living languages of today and the Magyar Language consists of more tha 1,000,000 words! Due to these Facts (: The THREE TAMANA LAWS and the Additonal Three Data:) we came to the reasonable Conclusion: There could be an Ancient Universal Culture (: Agglutinative; Magyar-Dravidian-Sumerian type language, Carpathian Toponyms, Mand Designs, Pentatonic Music:) for all the races (Mongoloids, Whites, Blacks) of Humanity. We call this Ancient Culture: - TAMANA- Culture. The differentiation of the Tamana Culture could take place about 10,000 - 15,000 years ago. This Ancient Tamana Culture could be a High Standard Civilization (: Findings under the Sahara Desert-Sand, Nazca Lines In Andes, Construction Ruins In the Atlantic Ocean, Electrical-Like Devices in New Guinea:) and the Antique Cultures can be regarded as Survlvials of the Ancient TAMANA CULTURE. The Magyar Culture is the most obvious Legacy of the Ancient Tamana Culture. Page 4