The Eighth Hungarian Tribe, 1986 (13. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1986-01-01 / 1-2. szám
MAGYAR READER B, ENDRE SEBESTYÉN The lessons given in the Reader have been so prepared that they form a continoDs whole. It follows from this that complete mastery of each and every lesson is an indispensable requirement to satisfactory progress. In other words. the words and the simple rules given in each lesson must be fully mastered before the study of the lesson next in order is undertaken. It should also be noted here, that Magyars unfamiliar with the English language, or those wishing to improve their English, may use this Reader with much profit. LESSON SEVENTEEN TIZENHETEDIK LECKE VOCABULARY SZÓJEGYZÉK The Magyar ny is pronounced as the n is pronounced in the English words cannon, or canyon, onion (a-nyan), and the ny is pronounced in Bunyan. OLVASÁS GYAKORLAT A-cél, a-med-dig, a-nya, a-rany, a-ra-nyat, árnyék, bä-nya, bá-rkny, há-rá-nyok, bo-rul, cér-na, csak, csu-nya, dol-goz-nak, e-nyém, e-vett, ér, fenye-get, fé-nyes, fény-lik, gyá-va, ha-nyag, há-látlan-skg, há-tu 1, Ai-any-zik, is-ko-lá-ból, Ae-mény, Ae-mé-nyen, Ae-nyér, Ae-nyér-rel, Ae-res-ke-dő, kér, Ao/-dus, Ao-rán, könyv, Aö-pö-nyeg, le, le-ány, leány-ból, lel, lesz, meg-ért, meg-fi-zet, me<7-mond-ja, me-nyecs-ke, me-nye-zet, me-nye-ze-te, mer, miénk, ne-ki, nyer, nye-reg, nye-reg-be, nyárs, nyársat, nyá-vog, nyelv, nye-re-ség, nye-re-ség-nek, nyil, nyom, nyo-mon, nyom-da, nyom-tat, nyom-tat-ják, nyu-ga-lom, nyu-gat, nyu-ga-ton, nyug-ta-\an, nyuj-tóz-ko-dik, nyü/’-tóz-kod-jál, nyúl, ö-vé, ö-vék, pat-tan, re-mény-ség, ron-gyos, ta=ka-ró, ta-ka-ród, táj, tett, ti-éd, f/-é-tek, ug-rál-nak, vé-kony, vé-lemény, v/»gyáz-ni, v/-har. KENYER ny Ny READING EXERCISE az acél = the steel ameddig = as far as az anya = the mother az arany = the gold aranyat ér = is worth gold aranyat lel = finds gold az árnyék = the shadow, the shade a bánya = the mine a bárány = the lamb bárányok = lambs borul = gets cloudy, a cérna = the thread csak = only csúnya = ugly dolgoznak = they work, they labor enyém = mine evett = ate evett volna = would have eaten ér, elér = reaches, extends fenyeget = threatens fényes = shining, bright fénylik = shines, glitters, is bright gyáva — coward hanyag — careless, negligent, indolent a hálátlanság = the ingratitude hátul — behind hátul marad = is left behind hiányzik — is missing az iskolából = from school kemény, keményen = hard a kenyér = the bread kenyérrel = with bread a kereskedő = the merchant kér = asks, begs, is asking kenyeret kér = begs for bread a koldus = the beggar korán = early, soon a könyv = the book a köpönyeg = the overcoat a leány = the girl, the daughter a leányból = from the girl, of the girl lei r= finds, is finding lesz — will be, will become megért = understands megfizet = pays, pays up, rewards megmond = tells, declares megmondja = tells, declares a menyecske = the young married woman a menyezet = the ceiling, the canopy az ég menyezete = the firmament, the heavens mer — dares, is daring miénk = ours adjatok neki = give to him nyer — wins, is winning a nyereg = the saddle nyeregbe — into the saddle