The Eighth Hungarian Tribe, 1986 (13. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1986-01-01 / 1-2. szám
DONATIONS TO THE STATUE OF LIBERTY ELLIS ISLAND FOUNDATION All Hungarian Americans, or others, who would like to have their donations to the Statue of Liberty — Ellis Island Fund recorded by the Hungarian Eighth Tribe Foundation, please make your check out to: STATUE Of LIBERTY — ELLIS ISLAND FOUNDATION, and mail to: HETF, P.O. Box 637, Ligonier, PA 15658. After it is recorded for publication, it will be forwarded to the Statue of Liberty — Ellis Island Foundation's New York address, and will be credited to the Hungarian Americans' Account. Dear Mr. Sándor E. Chomos, Many times I sat down to write this letter. I just didn't know how to begin. I am sorry to know you will no longer be Editor-In-Chief for the 8th Hungarian Tribe Magazine. For me. it has been a great source of pleasure to receive the monthly publication. I enjoyed every informative, non-sectarian issue. The beautiful poems, stories, history and all-arround materials have added to my already proud Hungarian heritage. Yes, I saved all my copies and share with my family. Total Donations listed in previous issues......... $330.00 Helen Yaradi Keyser........................................... In memory of mother 8nd father: Karolina and Bertalan Yaradi, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 20.00 Gizella Koncz........................................................ Bradenton, Florida 50.00 Dr. George C. Szegő............................................. Annapolis, Maryland 20.00 Louis H. A. and Mary Y. Feher .......................... Seabrook,Maryland 25.00 Margaret A. Sala Demaret.................................. Houston, Texas 20.00 Margaret R. end Joseph V. Urso........................ Edison, New Jersey 25.00 Mrs. Isabelle Antal Buterbaugh........................ Vintondale, Pennsylvania ULQQ Total Donations till December 31,1985 ... $500.00 If you have already sent your donation straight to the Statue or Liberty — Ellis Island Foundation's address In New York, let us know. We will carry these donations separately, but it will help in the final count credited to the Hungar ian-Americans. American-Hungarian Citizens Club of Rahway, New Jersey...................................$2,000.00 Branch *129, William Penn Association .. 500.00 Columbus, Ohio Raymond W. and Nancy J. Boeche............... 50.00 Lincoln, Nebraska In memory of Miss Esther Afra Sándor Emery snd Rhonda L. Chomos......... 100.00 Jefferson City, Missouri ________ Total Donations listed till Dec. 31,1985 .. $2,650.00 In my opinion, and I'm sure 1 speak for many others, your hard work, your dedication have paved the way for the continuation of other Hungarian literature. God Bless you and yours in all Tuture endeavors! Sincerely, Mary Toth Pucell Cleveland, Ohio BOOKS AVAILABLE FROM HUNGARIAN EIGHTH TRIBE FOUNDATION 1. -TEXT BOOKS SERIES NO. I. and II. $1.50 plus 35« postage—each. 2. -OUR HUNGARIAN HERITAGE—Albert Wass, $2.00 plus 35« postage. 3. —MAGYAR ÖRÖKSÉGÜNK-Albert Wass. $2.00 plus 35« postage. 4. -LOUIS KOSSUTH "THE NATION'S GUEST"Bibliography of Kossuth's visit to U.S.A.: Joseph Széplaki - $5.00 plus 75« postage. 5. —"ACACIAS"—HUNGARIANS IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY- Leslie Konnyu. $4.00 plus 75« postage. 6. -CONDENSED GEOGRAPHY OF HUNGARY:Leslie Konnyu, Soft cover. $3.75 including postage. 7. -FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH-HIVEN MINDHALÁLIG: Life history of Col. Michael Kovats. This book is single bound two language edition:—László L. Eszenyi, $5.00 plus 75« postage. 8. -TRANSYLVANIA: THE HUNGARIAN MINORITY IN RUMANIA—Julia Nanay, $5.00 plus 75« postage. HUNGARIAN COOK BOOK in English-Attractive Covers $3.50 - including Postage iw^Mnurat sisrmorscMWM By ATTILA SIMONTSITS *33.00 TM EARLY HUNGARIANS By TIBOR E. BARATH *15.00 Page 3