The Messenger, 2005 (1. szám)

2005-09-01 / 1. szám

“Thus far has the Lord helped us.” Or, as it is written in a modern English version: “The Lord has helped us all the way.” Our ancestors affirmed this faith throughout the first eight decades, as Bethlen Home grew and new buildings were dedicated. This realization continues to be at the heart of the more recent Bethlen Communities’ days of celebration, when, in 2001, the Ligonier Gardens Personal Care Home was dedicated, and now, as the new Bethlen Home is dedicated. May this trust in and dependence upon the guidance and inspiration of God continue in the hearts of all leaders, workers and supporters in the years to come. May Bethlen Communities always be an Ebenezer, a “Stone of Help”, for those who live here, work here, visit here and worship here. All praise and glory be to Almighty God! Rev. Imre A. Bertalan, Executive Director Bethlen Otthon növekedett és sok ékes épülettel megépült. A múltban történt építkezések méltó folytatása a Ligonier Gardens 2001-ben történt felszentelése. Hisszük, hogy az Isten vezetésére támaszkodó hit indítja cselekvésre a jövőben is intézményünk vezetőinek, munkásainak, barátainak és támogatóinak lelkes táborát. Az Istené legyen minden dicsőség és hálaadás. Bertalan A. Imre igazgató-lelkész From the Desk of Julie Skovira Ligonier Gardens Administrator Happy Grandparents Day! This year, September 11th is my special day too. My first grandchild will be one year old this month. I now understand all the special love and joy that comes with being a grandparent. If you stop by my office I have a few pictures I’d love to share with you. Our resident, Aline Hoffman, who is celebrating her 100th Birthday, has been blessed with 10 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. She has so many stories to share. Every morning she brightens our day with her smile as she passes the nurses’ station after breakfast. She doesn't realize how our staff looks forward to seeing her. Smiles are contagious and soon our whole building is smiling because of her. Thanks Aline!! We are so lucky she has chosen Ligonier Gardens as her home. We wish her a very happy 100th Birthday! As promised in our last newsletter, Lisa will update you on our bird watching survey. Now that fall has arrived, our residents will continue their bird watching duties. Maybe we will see the Blue Heron that spends time here every September, or maybe we will catch a glimpse of some other exciting species migrating south for the winter. We will keep you posted in upcoming newsletters. You have probably noticed some construction work at our facility. Due to several power outages, we have come to realize that our emergency lighting system is not suffi­cient. We are installing an emergency generator that will service our lights, heat, air conditioning, call bell system elevator and telephones. We realize that this is an incon­venience to everyone and are trying our best to work around your daily activities without much interruption. We appreciate your patience during this project. This issue of the newsletter will also bring you informa­tion regarding Presents for Patients. It is hard to believe it’s that time already! Because of your overwhelming gen­erosity last year, everyone one of our residents received a special gift at Christmas time. We are thankful to each and every one of you for your donation. We hope you will remember us again this year. Please continue to pray for our service men and women and their families. Let us be ever mindful of the daily sac­rifices they make to keep safe from terrorism. Let’s pray that soon they will all be home. BOBBING FOR APPLES On through the years This sport can be seen, On the festive occasion Of each Halloween. A faint wisp of smile Comes o’er my face, As I muse for a moment How I tried to embrace A floating red apple Between my set teeth, But somehow or other I never accomplished that feat. Ann Schneider

