The Bethlen Home Messenger, 1991 (1-3. szám)

1991-09-01 / 3. szám

&tttWtç îfjigijliflfjts Upcoming Events The following are some special events to be held during the Fall months. Details will be posted weekly on the bulletin board calendars located near each nursing station. QC1QBER A special popcorn treat will be passed on Friday the 4th in honor of National Popcorn Month. A special pizza party and movie will be held on Wednesday the 9th. A special Captains Dinner will be held on Friday the 18th at 6:30. SEPTEMBER Watch for our Breakfast outing in honor of All American Breakfast Month. Details to be announced. Residents who enjoy eating pickles will be getting an extra added treat during the week of the 21st which is known as National Pickle Week. Special Ice Cream Cone treats will be distributed on the 22nd in honor of the ice cream cone being invented this day. In honor of national Pancake Day a special pancake breakfast will be held in the Activity Room on the 27th. Guess what the main dish is? Red, White, and Blue color days will be held during Labor Day weekend. Special entertainment will be held on Saturday the 21st at 1:30 by the Hays Family. Special evening entertainment will be held on Sunday the 22nd at 6:30 by the Family Circle. Family Support Group meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Activity Room on the 19th. Residents are also welcome to attend. Special entertainment provided by the Sweet Adelines will be held on Monday the 30th at 7 p.m. in the Dining Room. A special treat will be passed out on the Sweetest Day which is Saturday the 19th. A special cooking class will be held on Friday the 25th. Who can create the sourest food!! Any suggestions are welcomed. A special treat of beer will be distributed during National Beer Week starting Monday the 28th. The Witches Brew dinner party will be held on Thursday the 30th. Bethlen Home's annual Halloween Party and dress up day will be held on Thursday the 31st. Prizes will be given for most creative, ugliest and best costume on day and afternoon shifts. Bethlen Home's Annual Bazaar will be on Saturday and Sunday, November 2nd & 3rd, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Residents, Family and Public are welcome to attend. Sunshine Brothers Clothing Wagon will be visiting the facility on Tuesday the 5th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. They will be carrying a large selection of Fall and Winter clothing for the nursing home residents. Specialized clothing is also available. A special carnival week will be held starting September 8th on Grandparents Day. Watch for details on daily special events for the week. Several outings will also be scheduled to view the leaves. Family Support Group Meeting will be held on Thursday the 21st. This month’s topic will be Alzheimers Disease. Details to be posted. Meeting will be held in the Activity Room. In honor of National Sandwich Day, a special "Create a Deli Favorite” will be held on Friday the 8th. A special Disney Character dress up day will be held in honor of Mickey Mouse's Birthday. A special party celebration will be held in the afternoon. Details to be posted. Thanksgiving is celebrated on Thursday the 28th.

