Fraternity-Testvériség, 1979 (57. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1979-01-01 / 1. szám

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Szuch, Edith Kovács and Mat Miller. Volunteers helping in kitchen. Kovács Family members. Irene Buchko and Nancy. Olga Darnay, Ethel Nagy and Clara Gugler. cooperation of our union and non-union members working together for the well being of our 103 elderly and in most cases helpless patients. The registered nurses, secretaries and non-union employees deserve recognition for their faithful and devoted services which they most commendably per­formed during the strike over and beyond their rou­tine regular every day call of “duty.” Many patients who stayed with their relatives during the strike be­came “restless” and in a few cases even “desparate”, praying and waiting for the time to return to their “home” and be recipients of the 24 hourly compas­sionate love and services of those who “care” and work with dedication. The patients who stayed in the home during the strike tried to help each other. They were more cooperative than ever before. They de­veloped a feeling of identifying themselves as mem­bers of a large family whose basic problems are the same and to whom “getting along together” meant an enriched mental, spiritual and physical way of life. These were the blessings of a new life experience which significantly changed their previous way of life and made it more precious and valuable. ^ e could not have done the extra load of work during the strike without the cooperation we received from the members of the congregations and volunteers of Ligonier Valley. More than 50 thank you Miss Vargo, Registered Nurse—Duquesne.

