Fraternity-Testvériség, 1978 (56. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1978-01-01 / 1. szám

1 On Thanksgiving Day of last year, in the quiet and loving at­mosphere of his family and rela­tives, Rev. Tibor Toth celebrated the 50th Anniversary of his ordina­tion into the Christian ministry. He was born in Nádudvar, Hajdú County, Hungary. He is a graduate of Bloomfield College and Semi­nary. He was ordained on April 13, 1927 in the Hungarian Reformed Church of Toledo by the Toledo Presbytery of the Presby- teriän Church. He served pastorates in Beaver Falls, Elyria, East Chicago and Allen Park-Detroit. During his 32 years pastorate the church in Detroit and the present edifice in Allen Park were built. The con­gregation grew to become the largest in the Hun­garian Reformed Church in America. Rev. Toth served 11 years as Dean of the Western Classis and also participated in the civic, fraternal and religious life of the community. For 16 years he was a Board member and later a Vice-president of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America. The last convention made him an Honorary Vice-President. In 1971 he retired from the pastorate of the Allen Park-Detroit congregation. He lives with his wife Lilly, in sunny Florida. The congregation in appreciation of his services, honored him as Pastor Emeritus. The HRFA congratulates Rev. Tibor Toth on his 50th Anniversary and wishes him and his wife a long, happy, healthy and peaceful life in sunny Florida. Officers for 1978, Branch 165, Akron Ohio. Front row: Mrs. Irene Nagy, President; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sain, Secretary, Branch Manager; Emil Nagy, Con­troller. Back row: Joseph Miller. Vice President. Rt. Rev. Mathias Da- roczy died on January 15th after much suffering in the Clearwater, Florida hospi­tal at age 81. He was born on January 26, 1897 at Hajdunanas, Hungary. He often returned to his place of birth to visit his brother and two sisters. He re­sponded to his Master’s call by enrolling in Bloom­field College and Seminary to prepare for the Chris­tian ministry. After his graduation and ordination he was the pastor of the Yonkers, Wharton, Pocahontas and Sharon congregations. He was pastor of the Cleveland West Side Church for 27 years. During his pastorate the sanctuary was enlarged, the Calvin Hall and Christian education wing built and the of­fice was remodeled and modernized. He was instru­mental in the rehabilitation of many displaced per­sons after World War II, and the freedom fighter immigrants after 1956. Six years ago he retired in Florida. He was dean of the Lakeside Classis, presi­dent of Calvin Synod and a member of the Board of Directors of the HRFA. He was also a dedicated member of the Board of Managers of the Bethlen Home. The funeral service was held on January 18 at Largo, Florida. The following ministers officiated: Louis Becske, Daniel Bodor, J. Kun, Tibor Toth, Dr. Francis Ujlaky and Rev. Arnold. A memorial service was held at the Cleveland West Side Church on January 27th. The eulogy was said by the Rt. Rev. Aaron Elek pastor. He is survived by his wife, Helen; his three daughters: Helen, Aurelia and Barbara; a brother and two sisters in Hungary. In accordance with tra­dition, on January 19th, the opening day of Con­gress, worship service was held at the National Pres­byterian Church in Wash­ington, D. C. Following the service Holy Communion was observed. Bishop Zol­tán Beky, our honorary president was one of the officiating ministers. This was the sixth opening service in which Dr. Beky took active part and gave the elements of the Lord’s Sup­per to five presidents. After the service a conference was held by the denominational leaders at which Rt. Rev. Beky gave a brief summary of his six week trip to South America. His services was instrumental in persuading the South American news media to pub­4

