Fraternity-Testvériség, 1978 (56. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1978-01-01 / 1. szám

again and start all over. — Next time we may have to start from scratch. The road is not without darkness, the path is not without false turns, the answers are not simple, long life and happiness are not promised; but do not crack under the pressure, do not give in under the strain, for all Creation is God’s and God is good and God is all-powerful. We have buttressed our unbelief with all the little arguments we could master, and we have em­phasized the lack of scientific data, when all the Resurrection asserts is that the God we know in Christ — the God of utter self-giving love — that that God is God, that he and he alone is the final and complete power and that the best we know in all experience, love, is the everlasting victor. His love that conquered death in the Resurrection. IF EASTER BE NOT TRUE If Easter be not true, 'Twere foolishness the cross to bear; He died in vain who suffered there; What matter though we laugh or cry, Be good or evil, live or die, If Easter be not true? —H. H. Barstow. ARPAD GEORGE: — NOTICE — The Board of Directors will hold their regular spring meeting on April 3rd, Monday at 9:30 A.M., in the Kossuth House building in Washington, D. C. The regular and the advisory members will attend the meeting. The Hungarian Reformed Federation of America wishes a happy and blessed Easter to all its Members and Friends The National Officers. From the OFFICE of the PRESIDENT Mr. and Mrs. George Haydu celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on January 18th. Prior to their anniversary celebration they were guests at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Waikiki Beach in Hon­olulu. Leaving from Pittsburgh, they were met there by daughter and son-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. Charles R. Puckett of Harrisburg, Pa. and grandchildren Charles Ernest and Cheryl Elizabeth. They toured the Island of Oahu, Pearl Harbor and attended several shows and dinners. Mrs. Agnes Haydu is the dedicated manager of our Logan, West Virginia Branch No. 213. Congratulations and best wishes. I received the following report from Mrs. Irene Sakalo, the manager of our Morgantown Branch No. 153 on branch fraternal ac­tivities. The Morgantown congregation has no full time pastor. The branch manager organizes car pools when worship ser­vices are held. She takes a full car load of members in her car to attend the funeral services of the de­ceased members. She orders wreaths of flowers donated by the HRFA for the deceased members. Regularly visits the members in the hospitals in time of illness and the aged in the nursing homes. Donated with church members $100.00 toward the Bethlen Home. Donated thanksgiving baskets and Christmas food baskets for the needy members. Took handicap­ped and elderly members shopping and delivered groceries to them. Donated $100.00 toward the Tran­sylvania earthquake and Johnstown flood relief. Mrs. Sakalo is a dedicated church member and fraternalist. May God bless her with good health and strength to continue her spiritual and humanitarian fraternal activities. 3

