Fraternity-Testvériség, 1951 (29. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1951-01-01 / 1. szám

4 TESTVÉRISÉG erősebben, mint bármikor ezelőtt. De mi nem félünk, mert Isten a mi várunk és erősségünk. Nem félünk, mert megtanultuk, hogy ha a fun­damentum inog, mit tesz az igaz. A leggono­szabb időben a legjobbat cselekszi: a hit, szere­tet, testvérsegités áldott értékeit épiti. Ezt cselekesszük mi. Ezt tesszük Egyházunk­ban, Református Egyesületünkben. Ezért hi vünk: aki az Űré, ide hozzánk! Egyházba, Református Egyesületbe! Hogy együtt, Isten és egymás ke­zét megfogva a sötétségben világosságot, a gyű­löletben szeretetet, a rombolásban épitő munkát adhassunk. A huszadik század második felére indulásnál még jobban fogjuk meg, még erősebben tartsuk egymás kezét, hogy tovább építhessünk, higy- jünk, szeressünk. Dr. Újlaki Ferenc gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg 1 IN PLAIN AMERICAN [ A monthly page conducted by Edmund Vasvary = fflIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM The serious warning in the Hungarian sec­tion of the last issue of our monthly, the “Test­vériség” to all American-Hungarians who be­long to the IWO (International Workers Order) should not be taken lightly by anyone. This Communist organization which for 20 years succeeded in masquerading as a bona-fide fra­ternal association, is branded by the Attorney General of the U. S. as a subversive (i. e. trait­orous) group. The meaning of this is obvious. It means that it is high time for all well-meaning people to wake up and realize the mistake they made in joining and supporting such an organi­zation, which is considered Communistic, that is: which tries to overthrow the constitutional form of American government by force. The branding by the Attorney General is forcefully supported by the Insurance Dept, of the State of New York, — which requests the dissolution of this group by the State Supreme Court. The New York Insurance Dept, emphasizes that the chief aim of this organization is the propagation of Communism. Eleven of its leaders were indicted by different courts for dangerous communistic activities. In two years .the IWO spent $122,000.00 out of the insurance contribu­tions of its members for Communistic propa­ganda. $67,000.00 of this went to towo Com­munist publications. Since the IWO is a so-called “domestic” society in New York State, that is: it received its charter from this state, it will be interesting to watch whether this fake “fraternal” will re­ceive further permission and license to function in that state during the forthcoming years. It is strange, however, to put it mildy, that the Insurance Dept, of the State of New York which has the reputation of being one of the strictest state insurance departments — needed 20 years to discover the real character of this organization. Anyone who glanced over the detailed financial statements, analyzed and pub­lished by this same N. Y. insurance department could not have failed to see what those “educa­tional”, and ‘cultural” expenses were, which were so lavishly spent every year during two decades. We hope that every honest and patriotic American-Hungarian who might have been wheedled into this group will know what to do in his or her own interest. ♦ We might mention here that an other so-called “Hungarian-American” organiza­tion is also on the Attorney General’s sub­versive list. This is the “Hungarian-Ameri­can Council for Democracy.” This group was headed for a time by a third-rate movie- actor, Béla Lugosi, and had very intimate connection with the late Rustem Vambery, who was counsel for the defense for Mátyás Rákosi in the middle 1920’s in Hungary, and who was rewarded for this with the well- paid position of the “Hungarian” Minister to Washington. Later on the old boy, after (and not before) picking up a goodly number of fat salary checks, made out in capitalistic dollars, — suddenly “saw the light” and to his own amazement discovered the real character of the Communist regime he represented, and resigned. We don’t know what happened to the “Democratic Council” afterwards. We throught it became a dead duck, just like its spiritual founder, hut it evidently still exists in some form if in the opinion of the Attorney General it was necessary to put it on the subversive list. Decent Hungarians always kept themselves at a safe distance from it. ♦ There are still reverberations from the auto

