Fraternity-Testvériség, 1951 (29. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1951-01-01 / 1. szám
TESTVÉRISÉG 5 accident in which our President and his wife participated at the end of the year. Dr. Újlaki is already coming to his office regularly but still needs a cane. The remarkable black-eye which adorned his countenance, to his great relief disappeared fairly soon. This black-eye (which the personnel of the Home Office was not privileged to gaze upon) was so perfect that it aroused universal admiration. On their return trip from Cleveland some passengers walked up to Dr. Újlaki, asking him how he happened to acquire such a unique masterpiece. “I was in an auto accident”— mumbled the good Doctor meekly, but the answer to this was: “Yes, yes, that’s the polite name for it. And what happened to the other fellow?” An other passenger exclaimed enthusiastically: “What a shiner!” Naturally, the very idea, that he, an ardent spokesman of true fraternalism might have received the perfect shiner in a fistic encounter, maybe in course of a debate about some weighty fraternal problem, was preposterous, no matter how worthy that fraternal problem might have been, — but all in all, the membership of our Federation is gratified to know that the dangerous adventure on the snow-covered Ohio road was permitted by Providence to end in hearty laughter. ♦ We are not yet familiar with the final facts our “Annual Report” to the differen State Insurance Departments will contain. Our actuary, however, already intimated that we had an all-around successful year. We hope that the final figures will justify this anticipated satisfaction. ♦ The remodeling work in the new Home Office Building is still going on. We expect to move in during the first half of February and hold an official housewarming later, when the Supreme Council meets at the end of April. ♦ The building of the new addition to the Old Peoples’ branch of the Bethlen Home on the hill has started, but whatever was done sofar is covered by snow. Hardly anything else can be done until spring. ♦ The western trip of District Manager Gustav Kovács was entirely satisfactory. During this trip (which was supposed to be partly his vacation), he covered an immense territory, from Cleveland to Colorado, California, Arizona, etc., writing a satisfactory amount of new insurance in the meanwhile. He established new branches in Denver, Colo, and Phoenix, Ariz., and reorganized the almost defunct branch in San Francisco-Oakland, Cal. The Hungarian Psalter and Hymnal, which was published a few years ago and was sold out very soon to the last copy, will be published again in a new, slightly improved edition. Again our Federation will advance the costs of publication, which will be repaid by the sale of the books. The Hungarian Reformed Federation is happy to render this service to our congregations. ♦ As usual, the 1951 Almanac of our Bethlen Home is again one of the best edited Hungarian publications in the United States, and certainly the most pleasing to the eye. Again the well- known colorful Stevan Dohanos painting adorns its front cover. Inside a wealth of worth-while reading and informative material greets the reader, poems, short stories, devotional, historical and educational articles in English and Hungarian, systematic church reports and many interesting pictures. The paper is surprisingly good, the pictures clear-cut, the printing and proof-reading very careful: really a volume which is not only a delight to look at and useful to pick up and study, but an achievement justly to be proud of. A very interesting novelty in the Almanac is a series of clever and amusing caricatures of some of our own well-known contemporaries, accompanied by appropriate poetry. No names are under the drawings, but most of us, naturally, know who they are. Later generations, however, will be at a loss about the subjects. It would have been advantageous to reveal the identity of them on an other page. This would have saved much headache for future researchers in American-Hungarian history.----------------------------Az Elnölt üzeni... "TESTVÉRÜL SZÜLETIK A NYOMORÚSÁG IDEJÉN..." “Minden időben szeret a barát s testvérül születik a nyomorúság idején....”, mondja a Szentirás. Megindító látni azt, hogy az amerikai magyarok között még mindig vannak olyanok, kik a hontalanságban élő magyarok nélkülözéséről hallva, “testvérül születnek a nyomorúság idején.” A soha nem látott hontalan magyar segítő testvérévé lesznek. Ezek egyike a 62-ik, East Chicago, Ind.-i osztályunk ügykezelője, Ambrus Andrásné. Ambrus néni Írja: “Kedves Elnök Ur! Szeretettel tudatom, hogy a segélyre én sorsolást rendeztem, amit én végeztem. Én ajándékoztam a párnahajat és bejött érte ötven dollár, amelyet mellékelve küldök. A múlt évben a 25 centek beszedése nagyon sikertelen volt. A mostani eredménnyel sem nagyon dicsekszem, de a tavalyinál nagyobb összeg.... A 62-ik osztály nevében kivánok boldog Karácsonyt és egy jobb Ujesz- tendőt. Tisztelettel: Ambrus Andrásné....” Ambrus néni! a szép példaadáshoz, sikeres munkához gratulálunk és a hontalan magyarok nevében hálás köszönetét mondunk! Isten áldja meg érte!