Szittyakürt, 1977 (16. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1977-12-01 / 12. szám

ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDITION OF «ITTVAKÖfcT VOL. III. No. 2. JULY 1977 Official publication of the Revolutionary Council of the OCTOBER 23 1956 HUNGÁRIA FREEDOM FIGHTER MOVEMENT LETTER CAMPAIGN TO HEADS OF STATES long past history has taught us many lessons and for these reasons did the REVOLUTIONARY COUNCIL of the HUNGÁRIA FREEDOMl FIGHTER MOVEMENT conceived the following letters of appeal to the Over two centuries ago in India in 1742-54 Joseph Francois Marquis Dupleix (1697-1763) a French Co­lonial Governor in India developed the mastery method of control over the populace of India known as the “DIVIDE ET IMPERA.” Like a good card player he knew how to shuffle and where to stack the cards of political intrigue. He saw to it that nationality strifes were arti­ficially induced then he played the sides against each other and the winner was to make up from the losses of the loser. The Trianons, Yaltas, Munichs, Viennas, Helsinkis, and Belgrads: DETENTES AND SALTS of the early, the middle, and the late 20th Century are only modem medthods of DIVIDE AND RULE. The socio­economic and political games that the new Russians and her western allies in imperialism are playing have the same “choreography.” In the 19th Century the so-called European and Japanese Imperial Systems conquered the world after two or three centuries of persistence and COLONIZATION! The First HUNGÁRIA FREEDOM FIGHTER MOVEMENT P. 0. Box 534, Edgewater Branch * Cleveland, Ohio 44107 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Revolutionary Council A S. P-Jobb April 4, 1977 Trianon Committee Elemér Pápay APPEAL TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Foreign Affairs Louis F. Molnár Publication Tibor Major Organization Tibor Lovagi Financial Committee Charles Hartman Honorable James E. Carter President of the United States of America 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D. C.. 20500 Honorable President Carter: Hereby the Revolutionary Council of the Hungária Freedom Fighter Movement, a de facto representative of the 1956 Hungarian People's Revolution is appealing to the President of the United States to support the following requests: 1. CALL UPON the Government of Romania to desist forthwith from the repression of the Hungarian people in the occupied territory of Transyl­vania and demand the immediate restoration of their human rights. 2. REQUESTS the President of the United States to suspend the "Most Favored Nations" status for Romania, until every form of discrimina­tion is ended against the Hungarian people of Transylvania. 3. NOTING, that the People's Republic of Hungary is still under Soviet domination, therefore unable to provide assistance to the Hungarians in the occupied territories. As a result, we Hungarian-Americans are compelled to: REQUEST the President of the United States to use his powers granted by the "Foreign Assistance Act of 1961" to provide EMERGENCY ECONOMIC AID for securing the survival of Hungarian institutions in Transylvania, in the fields of science, education, culture and language. Over the years we Hungarian-Americans have paid billions of dollars in taxes, which helped to subsidize foreign aid programs in every part of This time our people are in great need - the Hungarians of Transylvania, to continue their national culture, which is the essential part of their struggle to regain independence. 4. WE REQUEST help for those who declared them­selves Hungarians during the last Romanian census. We request that in the determination of needs, as well as in the distribution and use of aids, the undersigned representatives be consulted. "uw-.- -L. -Tibor Major <?-y Tib0r Lovagi Respectfully yours, yiuoU P-JM A. S. P-Jobb Elemér Papay. A Charles Hartlman Louis F. Molnár World War of the 20th Century saw the world DIVIDED, which division the Second World War further deepened and ratified. Our ancient Turanian Hungary’s 20 million population and territory also fell victim to the greedy practice of divide et impera on June 4, 1920. And then a quarter century later on April 4, 1945 the overlords over our Motherland changed color from the black imperialism of Western Christianity to the bloody red of ruthless atheistic Soviet Com­munism. In both instances the DIVIDERS did agree! Periodical color changes prove to be extremely profitable for the rulers however degrading, distructive and humiliat­ing they are for the ruled. Our Hun­garian nation is a noble nation! Our President of the United States of America, the Honorable James E. Carter. For these same reasons did the Canadian Magyars behind the Vancouver Transylvanian Federa­tion processed and forwarded their appeal to the Prime Minister of Canada, Honorable Pierre Elliott Trudeau. What ever the answers of these heads of states may be the intention of the freedom loving Hungarians are clear and cannot be a mistake! Former US. President Gerald Ford himself said as he signed the Helsinki, Pact of Detente: “It is not for what we say and undersign here but for what we will do that history will judge us.” MÉN-APÓ HUNGÁRIA FREEDOM FIGHTER MOVEMENT P. O. Box 534, Edgewater Branch * Cleveland, Ohio 44107 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Revolutionary Council A S. P-Jobb Trianon Committee Elemér Pápay Foreign Affair* Louis F. Molnár Publication Tibor Major April 4, 1977 Honorable James E. Carter President of the United States of America 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington D.C., 20500 Organization Tibor Lovagi Financial Committee Charles Hartman Honorable President Carter : During this century the Hungarian People have only experienced the detrimental effects of the big power peace treaties in : Trianon ( Versailles ), Yalta, Paris and Helsinki. Each has resulted in more ter­ritorial surrender, more control by foreign powers, more economic exploitation and less human rights. Consequently, today one out of every three Hungarians is forced to live outside of the present borders of Hungary. Among them the native Hungarian people of Transylvania are living under the worst repressive occupation by Romania. There is no one to stand up for them, except those Hungarians who live in exile. Over the last two decades, we Hungarian - Americans have paid around 30 billion dollars in Federal taxes which helped to build this country and other less fortunate nations in the world. We have contributed with our work, blood and tax dollars to fight the Vietnam war, without questioning or dissention. We have supported every conceivable program as loyal American citizens with our tax dollars on every continent. - Let us appeal once for our Hungarian brothers in Transylvania. - They need help and have no one else to turn to. Mr. President, we appeal to you with our attached proposal to use your executive power for an Emergency Economic Aid which would save the Hungarian educa­tional institutions in Transylvania before they vanish. The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 gave you the power. The Federal Budget for 1977-78 shows ample funds, appropriated by Congress for foreign assistance. The Hungarian People of Transylvania need help to maintain their cultural, educational and linguistic institutions. This is the essence of their struggle for "Human Rights". We believe you have made sincere commitments to help those who are in need,this is why we urge you to consider our request. The opportunity for success is given in Transylvania. History shall reward you for this action and the Hungarian People will be grateful to you. God bless you and your Nation, Respectfully yours Louis F. Molnár Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee Hungária Freedomfighter Movement

