Sárospataki Füzetek 19. (2015)

2015 / 4. szám - TANULMÁNYOK - Csorba Dávid: „Nagy a dolog rajtad, az idő pedig rövid hozzá.” A kora újkori kegyességi könyvek sport-felfogása

Csorba Dávid Abstract “Thy work is great, thy time is but short” — The conception of sport in early modern devotional books Lewis Bayly bishop of Bangor passed remarks on sport in his famous work The Prac­tice of Piety. “Make not an occupation of any recreation. The longest use of pleasure is but short; but the pains of pleasure abused are eternal. Use, therefore, lawful rec­reation so far as it makes thee the fitter in body and mind to do more cheerfully the service of God and the duties of thy calling.” This book had a great influence on the piety of the Hungarian Reformed Church in the 17th century. My aim was in this essay to find some hints and data on how the meaning of sport appeared in con­duct-books in the early modern period of Hungarian literature. They say that the feature of sport could solve the piety, in a perspective of regulation: man should serve God every day not with sportive tricks, but by zealously routine of life. This latter phenomenon is a recreation form of a Christian man. Laws of Protestant Colleges in­clude canons for many arts of sport and conduct books also address regular exercises for preaching and praying as if it would be an act of recreation. 94 Sárospataki Füzetek 19. évfolyam 2015-4

