Murányi János szerk.: A Csíki Székely Múzeum Évkönyve 2005. Társadalom-és Humántudományok (Csíkszereda, 2006)
MŰVELŐDÉSTÖRTÉNET - ROZSONDAI BÉLA: Erdélyiek bejegyzései ifj. Pápai Páriz Ferenc Emlékkönyvében
ROZSONDAI BÉLA ERDÉLYIEK BEJEGYZÉSEI IFJ. PÁPAI PÁRIZ FERENC EMLÉKKÖNYVÉBEN Édesapám, Rozsondai Károly (1901-1967), a zajzoni gyermek, kolozsvári képzős, tatrangi tanító, a Soproni Evangélikus Tanítóképző igazgatója emlékének Abstract: [Transylvanian persons in the album amicorum of Ferenc Pápai Páriz Jr.] The Department of Manuscripts in the Library of the Hungárián Academy of Sciences (MTAK) keeps the album (shelf-mark: Tört. Napló kis 8° 6) of Ferenc PÁPAI PÁRIZ Jr., medical student from Transylvania, then physician. It contains autographs by about 120 persons from 1711 - 1726: by physicians, theologians, bishops and pastors, linguists, jurists, men of public life, scientists, Professors and students. The mémentos consist of a quotation, short motto, dedication, date, and signature; they are in Latin, with many Greek and Hebrew quotations and phrases, and one sentence in English, French, Provençal, Arabie or Syriac etc. The images of each page are now available in the internet (, accompanied by the text printed in the original language, its translation, identification of quotations, biographies, and literature, comments, ail in Hungárián and in English. Links are provided to the pages from lists of persons, dates, places, and a map of Europe. In the présent paper, some of the renowned persons (and ail 32 persons from Transylvania) are mentioned with concise biographies and références. E. g., from Transylvania: Ferenc PÁPAI PÁRIZ Sen., professor and physician, the owner's father, Sámuel KAPOSI JUHÁSZ, orientalist, Sámuel SZATMÁRNÉMETHI, theologian, Sándor TELEKI, councillor at the government, patron of académies and of many peregrinating students, István VESZPRÉMI, bishop, János BOROSNYAI LUKÁCS, student at Leiden, then bishop in his homeland, Mihály II APAFI, former Prince of Transylvania, and Miklós BETHLEN, chancellor and memorialist, at that time both confined to Vienna; from Germany: Dániel Ernst JABLONSKI, theologian and hebraist, then président of the Academy in Berlin, Ludwig Georg TREVIRANUS, theologian, Georg Ernst STAHL, scientist, physician, chemist, Michael ALBERTI, professor of medicine; from the Netherlands: Bernhard Siegfried ALBINUS, anatomist, Ruardus ab ANDALA, Campegius VITRINGA Sen. and Jr. and Herman Alexander RÖELL, theologians, Albert SCHULTENS, theologian, linguist, orientalist; from England (where Pápai Páriz Jr. stayed for the longest time, and also collected donations for the reconstruction of his Alma Mater in Nagyenyed/Aiud, having been destroyed in 1704): Sir Isaac NEWTON and Edmond HALLEY, scientists, William WAKE, Archbishop of Canterbury, Sir William VII DAWES, Archbishop of York, John COLBATCH, theologian, George SMALRIDGE, bishop of Bristol, Charles TRIMNELL, bishop of Norwich; from Switzerland: Jean Frédéric OSTERVALD, Benedict PlCTET, Jean Alphonse TURRETTINI, and Johann Jakob WETTSTEIN, theologians. - The album of Pápai Páriz Jr. is a valuable document of his life and of the persons represented in it, an évidence of personal, scientific, religious, and cultural relations throughout the protestant régions of Europe, witnessing that Transylvania was and has been an integral part of European culture. Rezumat: [însemnări ale unor personalităţi transilvănene în albumul lui Ferenc Pápai Páriz junior] Secţia de Colecţii Speciale a Bibliotecii Academiei Maghiare de Ştiinţe (MTAK) păstrează albumul studentului, apoi medicului transilvănean Ferenc PÁPAI PÁRIZ junior (cota: Tört.