Szeredi Pál: A nemzetépítő demokratikus ellenállás dokumentumai 1956-1967 (Pilisszentkereszt, 2016)

Farkas Ferenc kísérőlevele a demokratikus erők kibontakozási javaslatához

based on this position may - with the help and intervention of your Excellency - bring the much suffered people of Hungary nearer to appessement, peace, liberty and independence. This plan is based ont he incontestable fact that the provisions and organs of the recent Hungarian constistution were swept away by the revolution. Notwith standing this, to respect the due form and in the interest of possibly facilitating the settlement, we have sent a copy of the Statement also to Mr. István Dobi. We are requesting your Excellency to communicate this Statement in any way and at any time you may judge useful for the eventual medistion to the competent authorities of the USSR, as well as the all Hungarian or other factors the information of whon you wight find helpful to our cause. In he hope that the efforts of your Excellency are going to yield fruits, allow as to express our deep gratitude and sincers respect for the help you are rendering to our cause. Budapest, December 14, 1956. (Ferenc Farkas) Secretary General of the Petőfi Party (former national passant Party) Budapest, József nádor-tér 12. Enclosed: The „Statement” in Hungarian, English and Russian (two copies each)25 25 Az angol nyelvű levél egy eredeti, géppel írott változata a szerző birtokában.

