Folia Theologica et Canonica 11. 33/25 (2022)
256 RECENSIONS of the International Canon Law History Research Center (Budapest). If we examine their scholarly work, we can see that they have always analyzed the various source-historical sub-issues, periods, collections, etc. in accordance with their institutional-historical impact, with an eye to the impact of all this on the science history. In other words, the authors’ working method is characterized by a complex approach to the study and discussion of canon law issues. The present work is a testimony to this. The volume is divided into four main parts, following the chronological order: I. The law of the ancient Church (Ius Antiquum)-, II. The period of the new law (Jus Novum)-, III. The period of the recent law (Jus Novissimum)-, finally - IV - the contemporary law (Jus hodierno). This structure is preceded by an introductory chapter (Chapter 1), dedicated to the general history of canon law science (pp. 23-38). Part I is divided into seven chapters (with consecutive chapter numbering from the introductory chapter to the end of the volume). These include the essential juridical dimension of the Church in the light of the New Testament (pp. 39-50); the resources and institutions of the underground Church in the first three centuries (pp. 51-66); the specificities of the canon law rules of the first consolidation period in the 4th-5th centuries (pp. 67-88); the period of regional division of the Church, its resources and institutional development (pp. 89-106); the Church of the Carolingian period, its ecclesiastical organization and reforms in the 9th—10th centuries (pp. 107-126); the ecclesiastical and canon law reforms of the 11th century (pp. 127-140); the period of the great paradigm shift of the High Middle Ages (1085-1140), which marks the establishment of systematic canon law (pp. 141-158). Part II is divided into five chapters, covering the sources, compilation, content, structure and methodology of the Decretum Gratiani (c. 1140) [pp. 159-176]; the system of canon law in the High Middle Ages, with particular reference to normative legislation and contemporary scholarly reflections (pp. 177-192); the canons of the same period and their role in the education of believers in Christ (pp. 193-212); the crises of the 14th and 16th centuries and new initiatives which went against the teaching of the Church (pp. 213-224); the reasons which led to significant changes in the second half of the 15th century and the 16th century, thus ushering in the period of the recent law (ius novissimum) within canon law (pp. 225-242). In Part III there are three chapters: the Council of Trent and the characteristics of the so-called ‘Tridentinlaw’ (pp. 243-256); an overview on canon law priorities and the development of canon law science in the 16th-19th centuries (pp. 257-288). The last - Part IV - also contains three chapters. Here we read about the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the consequent renewal of ecclesiology, which influenced the formation of new canonical norms (pp. 289-298); the post-Vatican II legislation, with particular reference to the promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law (1983) and the Code of the Eastern Churches (1990) [pp. 299-