Folia Theologica et Canonica 11. 33/25 (2022)


RECENSIONS 257 312]; and finally the new profile and activities of canonical institutions (pp. 313-324). The volume opens with a short introduction by the authors (pp. 19-21) and concludes with a selected bibliography (source citations and bibliography: pp. 327-334). This is followed, at the very end of the work, by a list of the articles and authors from the volumes of the Diccionario General de Derecho Canónico used for the chapters of the book (pp. 335-338), and then a list of abbreviated citations of the used literature (pp. 339-368). Professors Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias and Joaquin Sedano have written a methodologically unique, one-volume, complex handbook on the history of canon law. They have successfully compiled it in such a way as to allow a coherent analysis and presentation of the history of canon law, traditionally divided into three separate disciplines. They have drawn on the most recent and the best available text editions and the best up-to-date international litera­ture. This volume is therefore certainly destined to occupy a prominent place in the research and teaching of the history of canon law, providing an essential introduction for all those who are interested. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. Benito Pascual, M., Indisolubilidad del matrimonio y Eucaristla. Perspectiva canónica desde la encíclica Arcanum (1880) hasta la exhortación apostolica Sacramentum Caritatis (2007) [Universidad San Dámaso, Dissertationes Canonicae 16], Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid 2022, pp. 316 The question of the indissolubility of marriage has been a cornerstone of sac­ramental theology and canon law from the beginning of Christianity. Natu­rally, in the early times - the period of the Roman Empire - any marriage con­tracted in public form, according to the categories of Roman law, was con­sidered by the Church as a valid and sacramental marriage between Christians. The ecclesiastical form of marriage was the result of a long canonical develop­ment, both in the East and in the West, with the content that marriage is a life­long union of one man and one woman, elevated by Christ to the status of a sacrament. From the foundation of the Church and the spread of Christianity, it has been a clear principle that marriage can be under natural law (between unbaptized persons) and sacramental marriage, but either is indissoluble. It is well known that, as a result of secularization, the institution of civil marriage, including the possibility of divorce, gradually appeared from 1580. However, the internal law of the Catholic Church (i.e. canon law) continues to clearly affirm the indissolubility of a validly contracted marriage on the basis of reve-

