Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)
358 RECENSIONS mercy in the system of canon law (VIII, pp. 131-150); The seven mortal sins from the aspect of canon law (IX, pp. 151-172); Harmony of morality, law and human dignity within canon law (X, pp. 173-189); The sacrament of penance on the basis of canon law historical sources (XI, pp. 190-216); Aim and effect of the sacrament of anointing of the sick (XII, pp. 217-229); Formation of the diocesan seminarians and the members of religious institutes (XIII, pp. 230- 245); Particular law and its alteration of the institutes of consecrated life (XIV, pp. 246-262); Effectivity of the canonical penal law, regarding in particular to the “delicta graviora” (XV, pp. 263-280). We can see from the listed titles, that the Author is focusing on those themes, wherein the above mentioned intrinsic correlation of the doctrine and the discipline clearly appears. Among the indicated chapters must be highlighted here the demonstration of the legislative power in the Church. Prof. Szuromi uses Dante Alighieri’s critics (f 1321) in De monarchia to enlighten: that it was not against the legislative power of the Church, rather against the supreme authority of the spiritual power as compared with the secular ruler’s authority. He also clarifies Martin Luther’s thoughts (t 1546) regarding the true - and only - legislative power. From these analyses - which interpret the original writings of Luther - is quite clear, that the original texts accept the ‘raison d’etre’ of those decisions within the Church which promote the spiritual life and goal of the faithful. If we take a glance at the definition of any ecclesiastical norm, we will find the very important statement “the salvation of souls is the supreme law of the Church”. Therefore, there is no real conflict between the concept of Luther and the conviction of the Catholic Church. The contents of “legislation” can be understood if we use the term of “jurisdiction” and its meaning in the Roman law, which is precisely described by Francisco Suárez (t 1617). Prof. Szuromi’s reasoning gives new arguments to prove the real legislative power within the Church, which power based on the sanctifying mission of the Church. Another very important explanation takes place in Chapter III, about the indispensability of the earlier canonical sources for the interpretation of the current canon law. The Author gives an extraordinary precise analysis on the indispensable status of the disciplinary sources of the single ages - since the Patristic Age - and their contents, reason, and goal in order to understand - even a basically new - ecclesiastical regulation, particularly if anyone likes to translate the Latin canonical rule to any other language, preserving the exact original meaning of that (pp. 31-38). There is also an indispensable contribution on seeking and accepting the truth, which demonstrate the theological and canonical way from the 3rd century patristic sources, through the conciliar texts and papal decrees, to arrive the clear-out definition on truth and its recognition in the teaching of the First Vatican Council’s Constitution Dei Filius (April 24th