Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)
RECENSIONS 359 1870) [pp. 96-113]. We must appreciate that precise, accurate analysis - based on the original sources, even from the earliest one - which could help to sketch a much more perspicuous picture about the constant canonical realization of justice and mercy within the system of canon law (pp. 131-150), explaining not only the canonical tradition and its aspects in the early and Medieval pastoral life, but listing the most important dogmatic theological statements too (i.e. pp. 138-141). Equally important are those chapters which present the transmission of truth in institutionalized form (i.e. the Catholic university and the formation of seminarians and religious members). Prof. Szuromi gives a detailed commentary on the new (December 8th 2016) Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, but also on some renewed Constitutions of religious orders regarding the formation of the entire man to the holy service or to the consecrated life (pp. 230-245). The concluding chapter (XV) discuss a very timeous question, because it not only summarizes the themes of “delicta graviora”, but consider the effectivity of the entire penal system of the current canon law, in the light of dogmatic theological arguments (pp. 263-280). This presented volume is introduced by the Contents (pp. 9-13), after the Preface (pp. 5-8), and the usual list of scientific abbreviations (pp. 15-18). For the further orientation within the indicated themes, an extensive and updated bibliography has taken place at the end of the book (pp. 281-319). The consultation of the book is facilitated by a comprehensive index (pp. 320-325). Prof. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi’s new book - which was published in the Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici series - gives balanced and moderated overview on the intrinsic unity of the doctrine and discipline of the Catholic Church. Introducing a new type of methodology, he is able to use arguments from new perspectives. Thanks to the up-to-date chapters and the very clear presentation of every theme, this new volume is an effective contribution to understand the independent law system of the Catholic Church as a sacred science. Rita Ferenczy