Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)


RECENSIONS 357 to fulfill this goal is necessary to analyze and interpret - as detailed as possible - those canonical regulations which have built upon each other from the estab­lishment of the Church. Prof. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. - Director of the International Canon Law History Research Center (Budapest) - demon­strates crystal-clearly the above indicated principles in his new book (Har­mony of Theology and Canon Law - The Doctrinal and Disciplinary Unity of the Church) to emphasize: the doctrine and the discipline cannot be imagined from each other. The Author dedicated this volume to the 25th anniversary of the Canon Law Institute “ad instar facultatis”, Pázmány Péter Catholic Uni­versity (p. 8). In the Preface Prof. Szuromi gives a reflection on Prof. Carlo Fantappié’s law theory concept (Per un cambio di paradigm. Diritto canonico, teológia, e riforma nella Chiesa, Bologna 2019) in order to demonstrate the uniqueness of the canon law system, which is in intrinsic relation with the theological teaching of the Church (pp. 5-6). The entire work arranged into fifteen chapters, which begins with a method­ological foundation (Canonical methodology, pp. 19-30). Here the Author draws the structure of research and different concept on that. He makes under­standable the distinction between primary and applied researches and their relation, explaining the importance of research on the horizon of a system which have certain principles. The “system-research” can be applied to dis­cover a concrete scientific question, but also an entire scientific field. Prof. Szuromi’s conclusion that this new methodological approach can be used fruitfully to the analysis of the canonical system. According to his explanation, this system has a complex character, because the theological and the legal (ca­nonical) components are inseparable. Within this concrete system is another complexity: the relation of the constant elements (which are unchangeable) and the altering elements (depending on different changeable circumstances of the particular epochs of the Church). Therefore, to describe most adequately this system, it is necessary to analyze and to consider every element of the sacred science’s complexity (pp. 19-21). After this new methodological initia­tive, Prof. Szuromi presents in details the mentioned different characters of the canon law science in harmony with the theological principles (pp. 21-30). The following chapters intends to expose the above mentioned methodolo­gical concept regarding the relation among law or legislation in the Church, and the principles of truth, justice, mercy, morality and administration of sac­raments. These chapters are: Is there real legislation in the Church? (II, pp. 31-38); Indispensability of the earlier canonical sources for the interpretation of the current canon law (III, pp. 39-54); Both codifications of the Latin canon law (IV, pp. 55-76); Sources of the Constitution Lumen Gentium (V, pp. 77-96); Seeking and accepting the truth (VI, pp. 96-113); Role of the Catholic univer­sities in the missionary activity of the Church (VII, pp. 114-130); Justice and

