Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)
356 RECENSIONS tion of the European Tribunal of Justice’s judging practice on the human rights, particularly on the relationship between the state and the denominations (pp. 421 -434); finally, again regarding the European Tribunal of Justice’s judging practice, but here on the religious places (those places which guarantee the free cult of the denominations, accordind to their own religious conviction) on the basis of the international law (pp. 435-450). The volume is concluding with the scientific bibliography between 2012 and 2019 - according to years, in chronological order - of the Author (pp. 451 - 455). We can clearly understand based on the above explained overview, that Prof. Giorgio Feliciani wished to summarize those timeous writings on all three major areas of his canon law and ecclesiastical law research between 2012 and 2019, which, on one hand, provide an adequate and balanced view of his scientific convictions; on the other, in the second decade of the 21st century, raise the most significant questions to canon lawyers, to those who officially interpret the canonical questions, but also to legislators. The incorporation of the field of ecclesiastical law also gave opportunity to the Author to emphasize those key points in the field of enforcement of international law wherein the guaranteed right to practice human dignity and religion freedom is vulnerable, taking into account the religious community’s own religious beliefs and internal norms. Therefore, the chapters of this volume can provide significant theoretical and practical assistance, not only to those who are working in the field of canon law, but also to the legislators and to the jurisprudential work, in order to promote the religious freedom as first-generation human right for the benefit of the people. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. Szuromi, Sz. A., A teológia és a kánonjog harmóniája. Az Egyház tanbeli és fegyelmi egysége (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/20), Szent István Társulat, Budapest 2020, pp. 325 The essential stable contents of canon law are well-organized promotion - in institutionalized form - of the primary goal of the Church, established by Jesus Christ, which is the salvation of souls. It contains: 1) the authentic presentation of the principles of the divine revelation; 2) norms of administration of those sacraments and sacramentals which transmit concrete graces; 3) conservation of the work of the hierarchical community which has been entrusted on the Apostles. Therefore, the canon law means that crystallized disciplinary system which serves the saved human being to get to the salvation (which laid down originally in the Great Mission Command [Mt 28:19]). Nevertheless,