Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)


RECENSIONS 355 The Second Part - which dedicated in general to canon law questions - dis­tributed into ten chapters. In the very first one the Author considers from a special aspect the second codification of the Church (1983), listing the con­temporary expectations, the realization of the New Code, and deliberating that fundamental questions of canon law historians: whether necessary to make reflection after this codification to the Corpus iuris caninicil Prof. Feliciani’s opinion is clear - using the arguments of subsidiarity and complementarity within the canonical system the New Code and its interpretation cannot be separated from the continuous tradition of canon law, because even the second codification - making new law - was composed on the basis of this classical tradition, logic and terminology. In order to support his statement, Prof. Feli­­ciani refers to several papal and dicasterial legislation from the time after 1983. He makes unambiguous, that even there are numerous “new laws”, however the internal logic of the canonical system has not changed still now (i.e. La codificazione per la Chiesa latina: attese e realizzazioni. Dobbiamo tornare alle Decretali?, pp. 103-132). The Author pays particular attention in the further chapters of the Secons Part to the role of laymen in the teaching mission of the Church (pp. 133-154); fulfilling the missionary work of the Church, primarily to the preparation for sacraments and administering of them, especially reflecting to the geographical and sociological changes of the 21st century (pp. 155-176); presenting the activity of COMECE (competence, canonical defined duties and their fields (pp. 177-198); pastoral goals of the Diocesan Synod of November 27th 2017 in Milano (pp. 199-220); changes of ius publicum ecclesiasticum during the current pontificate (pp. 221-242); Pope Francis’ legislation on religious freedom (pp. 243-260); Pope Francis’ activity and decisions on migration during the first five years of his pontificate (pp. 261-292); description of the canonical norms on the relation between the Italian Bishops’ Conference and the Italian ecclesiastical institutes (pp. 293- 320); finally to those canonical prescriptions which regulate work of the Catholic universities (pp. 321-347). The Third Part - summarizing the questions of ecclesiastical law - covers six chapters. Like in the previous parts, the first chapter can be considered as the most important. Prof. Feliciani dedicates this chapter to the current situa­tion of religious freedom in Italy and to that practice which realizes in the Church’ daily life (i.e. La liberta religiosa nell’attuale prassi ecclesiale in Italia, pp. 351-370). Then, he analyzes a various specific interesting issues: exposing the crucifix in a public place or in public institutions, and its current situation in Italy (pp. 371-390); experiences on the bilateral agreement be­tween Italy and the Catholic Church of February 23rd 1984, based on the recent period, with particular attention to the critical analyzed question of how this cooperation realizes the benefit of the people (391-410); characteristics of re­ligious freedom according to the Lisbon treaty (pp. 411-420); critical observa-

