Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)


354 RECENSIONS Feliciani, G., Papato, episcopali e sociéta civili (1917-2019). Nuove pagine di diritto canonico ed ecclesiastico (Facoltá di Diritto Canonico San Pio X; Ius canonicum - Monografie 20), a cura di Michele Madonna Marcianum Press, Venezia 2020, pp. 455 Giorgo Feliciani is a canon law professor at the Universitä Cattolica dei Sacra Cuore, who is great eminence in the field of canon law of the 20th century, and - despite the age of 80 - is still a highly respected figure in both, the current canon law and ecclesiastical law, which is testified by his teaching, and re­search activity at the Studium Generale Marcianum, Facoltá di Diritto Ca­nonico San PioX-ben (Venice) and the Université Paris Sud (Paris), moreover his activity as consultor of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. His most recent volume - arranged into a unified system - is built on his scientific presentations and scholarly contributions which were prepared between 2012 and 2019. The editor of his volume is Michele Madonna, who has done indis­pensable assist in the thematic organization of the material, especially in the three main themes, namely configuring the structural composition of parts of historical topics, current canon law, and of ecclesiastical law (i.e. Percorsi storici, pp. 17-100); Diritto canonico, pp. 103-347; Diritto ecclesiastico, pp. 351 -450). Benedict Ndubueze Ejeh, dean of the Canon Law Faculty of Ve­nice (pp. 9-12) Michele Madonna, contributor of the Universitä degli Studi di Pavia (pp. 13-14) wrote prefaces, which enlighten the principles, viewpoint­­system, and the unified concept of the composition (including those modifi­cations and supplementing which were necessary to present an updated a vol­ume, regarding its main text and also the references). The First Part - which covers the canon law historical background - contains six chapters, introduced by an analysis of the relationship between Church and state, according to the CIC (1917), together with a unique reflection on the opinions and experiences of Eugenio Pacelli, which was shared when he was apostolic nuncio (i.e. Chiesa e Stati nella codificazione canonica del 1917. Esperienze e opinione del nunzio apostolico Pacelli, pp. 17-34). Very close to this theme that detailed explanation which is dedicated to Card. Pietro Gaspar­­ri’s initiative of June 18th 1925, regarding the role and work of the bishops’ conferences (pp. 35-50). This the continues in the following three chapters (pp. 51-96) which basically summarize the law about the relation between the bishops’ conferences and the Holy See (pp. 69-80). The last chapter of the First Part organizes into a perspicuous form the thoughts of Orio Giacchi (who was professor of canon law and ecclesiastical law at the Universitä Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano [t 1982]) on the bases of the existence of own law of the Church, and its consequences - enforceability within the civil society, as well as on the current status of the Church within a state and its legal back­ground (especially with attention to the concordatary law) [pp. 97-100].

