Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)


RECENSIONS 353 only two - but really significant - contributions: Marino Mosconi, La tutela dell’identitä ecclesiale dei soggetti dell’azione caritativa: il contributo del m.p. Intima Ecclesiae natura (pp. 193-210); and Javier Otaduy, Interrogantes sobre la personalidad juridica canonica (pp. 211-236). The ulterior work is a unique explanation regarding the interpretation of canonical personality, which contains several new aspects. The Third Part covers the theme on people of God. This is the most exten­sive section of this commemorative volume (pp. 239-508). This question in­volves traditionally - followed the structure of the current Code of Canon Law - the canonical norms of the Christ-faithfuTs obligations and rights (laymen and clerics), but also the explanation of the structure of the Church (including the canonical norms on the supreme church authority, particular churches and their groupings, furthermore on the institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life, and on the secular institutes). This theme is elaborated by the best known authors too: Massimo del Pozzo, Giacomo Incitti, Luigi Sabba­­rese, Fernando Puig, Kurt Martens, Armand Paul Bosso, Andrea D’Auria, Sunny Kokkaravalayil, Gianfranco Ghirlanda, Roberto Serres López de Gue­­renu, Juan Manuel Cabezas Canavate, és Sergio La Pegna. Among the listed authors’ works must be highlighted three precise interpretations: Luigi Sabba­­rese, “L’idea di cura pastorale per i migranti negli scritti di Velasio De Paolis” (pp. 279-294); Armand Paul Bosso “L’Administrates apostolique sede vacan­te: doctrine et reflexions canoniques” (pp. 333-379); and Gianfranco Ghirlan­da “Coessenzialitá dei doni gerarchici e dei doni carismatici: effetti nella vita della Chiesa” (pp. 435-453). The work is concluding with brief bio-bibliography of the contributors, in alphabetical order (pp. 509-514). The first volume of Opus Humilitatis iustitia, which is dedicated to the me­mory of Card. Velasio De Paolis, is a unique and outstanding summary of the contemporary canon law science and its achievement with the most recent scientific results. The editors with this omnibus volume not only dignified in worthy form the scientific work of Card. Velasio De Paolis, but through the analyses of some particular canonical sub-questions have testified the current vivid and high value research of the canon law sciences, especially by their circumspect and grounded answers to the most recent canonical questions within the afore-mentioned three themes. I believe that the contents of the following two volumes (i.e. II: La funzione di insegnare della Chiesa, La fun­­zione di santificare della Chiesa, I beni temporali della Chiesa', III: Le sanzi­­oni nella Chiesa, I processi) will enrich in similar way with high value and competent knowledge the work of the canon law science and the day-to-day life of the Church too. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem.

