Folia Theologica et Canonica 5. 27/19 (2016)
272 RECENSIONS mentality of the provider pastor of his flock, who intends to give responsible, well deliberated and wise guidance to those who are entrusted on him. The Author does pastoral care always keeping in mind the point of view of the universal- and also of the particular Church. This presented volume is introduced by the Preface (pp. 7-9), followed by the contents (pp. 11-12) then takes place the scientific abbreviation (pp. 13-17). It supplied with an Italian (pp. 485-486) and English contents (pp. 487-488) at the end of the book. The “Law in the tradition and the life of the Church“ work shows precisely the importance of the knowledge of the disciplines and the teaching of the Magisterium in order to understand those recurring - even pastoral - questions which arise in the Church on the day to day basis. Therefore, it is extraordinary important for the Christ-faithful’s life to understand as well as possible the logic of the ecclesiastical daily activities and the disciplinary and doctrinal principles behind them, which go back to the Apostolic Age’s tradition. Cardinal Peter Erdő’s new work can serve this important goal, helping not only to priests or laymen, but to all of those who are interested in the canonical system of the Catholic Church. Szabolcs Anzelm Szúrom/, O.Praem. Álvarez de las Asturias, N. (ed.). Re descubrir la familia. Diagnóstico y propuestas. Ediciones Palabra, Madrid 2015, pp. 286 The Third Extraordinary Bishop Synod was dedicated to the topic of family between October 5lh and 18,h 2014, then the Fourteenth Ordinary Bishop Synod discussed the same theme between October 4'h and 25lh 2015. Those statements which were drawn between the two synods had generated more detailed analyses by theologians and canon lawyers too. Several opinions and articles had been published, interpreting the questions about marriage and family in wide spectrum, reflecting particularly to the 21s' century social and secular circumstances and tendencies. The theme of marriage and family has been constantly present at central place in the teaching of the Church since her beginning. Jesus Christ himself has fixed those principles which are necessary to interpret properly the Scriptures. This teaching had become the fundament for the patristic authors and for their argumentation. We can see also that theological crystallization process which had happened in the same time at the general councils of the Church. In contempt of the various concepts and traditions of the new converting nations on the marriage and family, the Church has conserved and proclaimed that teach-