Folia Theologica et Canonica 5. 27/19 (2016)


RECENSIONS 273 ing which was already given through the Revelation - laying on the Divine law - and had been explained precisely by the greatest scholastic authors, pro­moting the clear statement of the Council of Lateran IV (1215) then - much la­ter- the detailed description of the Council of Trent (1545-1563). The day-to­­day pastoral practice followed the guidelines of the afore-mentioned doctrinal and disciplinary sources and many reflections appeared in papal statements, but particularly in the regulations of the Sacra Congregarlo de Propaganda Fide. All of these sources were used for the first Code of Canon Law, promulgated by Pope Benedict XV in 1917. There are also essential and significant statements by the Council of Vatican II ( 1962-1965), by Blessed Paul VI (1963-1978) and Saint John Paul II ( 1978-2005) (among them particularly the Familiáris consor­tia has extraordinary importance [November 2Pl 1981]). These recent sources of the last fifty years always kept intentionally in mind the only point of re­ference: Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is not accidental that could be composed a unique - deliberating the theological and canonical categories - well balanced volumes, dedicated to the analysis of the contemporary social and pastoral questions of the family, in relation to the two synods’ theme. Among these pub­lications has taken an eminent place the “Rediscovering of the Family”, edited by Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias, professor of Universidad San Dámaso (Madrid). This omnibus edition contains writings of the expert of Spanish speaking ter­ritory. There is an explicit reference in the Preface - written by Carlos Osoro Sierra, Archbishop of Madrid - to Christ’s ideal on the family and its promotion by pastoral instruments within our contemporary deranged society (pp. 7-9). Nicolás Alvarez de las Asturias introduces this volume with art. 66 of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelium Gaudium (November 24"' 2013), summarizing the contents of the cultural crisis and fragility of family (p. 17). The role of catechesis is particularly emphasized here, together with the impor­tance of personal example, which should take place in the authentic community life of parishes (pp. 17-25). The volume is distributed into five chapters. The first one analyzes the close internal bond of the family and the Church’s daily life, considering the prin­ciples of justice, love, and protection of values within the marriage (pp. 27-86; authors: Juan de Dios Lamí, Nicolás Alvarez de las Asturias, Javier Escrivá Ivars). The second chapter is focusing on the teaching and its relation to the family. It is quite clear from this description that the family as center of the teaching and instruction can be only the proper answer for the contemporary problems within the society. Here we can see again the importance of the authen­tic personal example - as witness of the true Catholic faith - and the active faith­ful life on the regular daily basis, (pp. 87-146; authors: Alfonso Aguiló, Nieves González Rico, Daniel Granada). The third chapter gives reflections basically on the 2003 Pastoral Directory of Family, edited by the Spanish Bishop Confe-

