Folia Theologica et Canonica 5. 27/19 (2016)


RECENSIONS 271 law (pp. 425^484). It is hard to say nowadays about anyone, that he or she can make significant scholarly work - which essentially enriches the scientific re­search - in every field of one particular science in the 20'" or 21s' century. Ne­vertheless, observing that “panorama” of articles which have taken place in this volume, must be said about Professor Erdő: he is the one who is capable to do this on the highest level. The author intended originally to explain the opened canonical questions with different purposes, which were formed into articles, interpretative com­mentaries or even conference presentations. However, the common horizon can be found in every form of scholarly analysis, which means the sensibility for the serious canonical scientific question, together with loyalty to the teach­ing of the Magisterium of the Church, including the following of her doctrinal and disciplinary statement. Perhaps, particularly the first chapter - dedicated to Law, Canon Law, at the beginning of a New Anthropological Culture (pp. 21- 36) is one of the most considerable analyses within the part of the general thoughts of canon law. Peter Erdő explains very accurately the internal relation of law, morals and canon law, but also the sacred character of canon law and its real effects within the contemporary legal culture. He enlightens the afore-men­tioned aspects not only with jurisprudential and canonical argumentation, but with theological and Biblical reflections. Through his description it becomes crystal clear that the Holy Scripture, Tradition, Sacraments, the teaching mission of the Church and the other forms of consecration are such basic capabilities of the Church which define essentially her hierarchical work and activity. This underlines the final horizon of the goal of the Church - and her every single in­ternal ecclesiastical office - which is the promotion of the salvation of souls as ecclesiastical common good. It is quite clear that the questions which appear in the new book of Card. Pe­ter Erdő, moreover those answers which are given with theological sensibility of the author, are not guidelines only for canon lawyers, but they are essentially in relation with the day to day life of faithful in the Church. Perhaps the best example for this particular interpretation is the chapter, entitled “The knowledge of faithful’s language as condition for nomination of pastors” (pp. 249-282). Another chapter - “Notes on the new regulation of marriage process” - is also extraordinary relevant, as compared with that special interest to this legislation and its application which has arisen regarding this theme recently, not only by the Supreme Authority of the Church, but even by the faithful widely around the whole world (pp. 453-484). None the less, the majority of chapters of this new volume has been pub­lished in form of independent article (in Hungarian or in other languages), we can hold a comprehensive work in our hands, thanks to logical structure, to the textual and structural revising of the original material, to the frequent cross­­references, and the unified concept of the author. We can face several times the

