Folia Theologica et Canonica 3. 25/17 (2014)
250 RECENSIONS Manuals series. Within the 2003’s text was used as novelty the extensive index and the system of marginal numbers by every single sub-section of the text. The articulation of this text has been supplied also by the size of letters, which has given a very clear distinction for the volume’s structure, means: which parts are for the theological students, which are for canon law and law scholars, and which are for ecclesiastical tribunals. This advanced edition was followed rapidly by the fourth edition in 2005 which focused basically on demand of the instruction at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University and other theological colleges in Hungary, enlarging the text only with the most important ecclesiastical new legislation and its interpretation. There was a real great anticipation from everywhere (by professors, researchers, university or college students, ecclesiastical institutions, etc.) for the new edition of this unique and fundamental handbook. Between 2005 and 2014 high number of new normative texts, universal or particular laws were promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, moreover various substantial articles, monographs, commentaries, etc. have been published. Among the new legislation we can find as one of the most important document, which is the motu proprio Omnium in mentem by Benedict XVI (Oct. 26,h 2009: AAS 102, 2010, 8-10) modifying some canons of the Code of Canon Law. It was indispensable to theologically clarify in more understandable form of the three degrees of the Holy Order (deacon, priest, bishop); but it was necessary to abolish the leaving from the Church by formal act. Here we would like to refer those decisions which modified the competences and activities of the Roman Curia, some changes in the field of administering of sacraments (particularly regulating the use of the liturgical books from the time of Pope Blessed John XXIII), new and detailed norms of the marriage process, moreover some important changes in the ecclesiastical penal law. All of these transformations have given strong reason to update and supplement Peter Erdő’s handbook, preparing a new - already 5th - edition of it. Considering its structure, the new edition distributed into seven large unites. The first part - under the title: Introduction into the canon law - analyses the meaning of canon law, its relation to other sciences and disciplines, furthermore explains the presence of law within the Church and its foundation (pp. 47-65); however, we can found here a brief summary on canon law history (including the time of codifications, until the CCEO) and the most recent scientific results of this field de (pp. 66-83). The second part exposes traditionally the General Norms of canon law, with special attention to the scope the New Code of Canon Law (pp. 85-94). Those chapters within this part which are dedicated to the power of governance and to the ecclesiastical offices are particularly considerable because their unique high level even compared with the international monographic (pp. 154-197). People of God and their obligations and rights take place in the third part, explained it based on their life status. After this section of the Church’s constitution we can read a minute description of the Church’s