Folia Theologica et Canonica 3. 25/17 (2014)


RECENSIONS 251 hierarchical structure and peculiarities of the consecrated or apostolic life form. Card. Erdő explains the teaching mission in the fourth (pp. 399-430) and the sanctifying activity in the fifth part (pp. 431-602). This last one circumspectly describes the marriage law system as largest and most active field of the sacra­mentary law (pp. 508-602). Finally, there can be read the ecclesiastical penal law part (pp. 603-678) and the analysis of the process law (pp. 679-818). The new edition’s structure is kept the marginal numbers of the third and fourth edition of the handbook, which therefore thematically indicate the same articles but with updated contents. The footnote apparat - like in the former editions - primary focuses on the sources and on the most relevant articles, which have been edited until November of 2014. Nevertheless, that thematic bibliography which is situated at the end of the volume (pp. 819-850) lists as complete as possible the updated international literature of commentaries, lexi­cons, manuals, monographs and significant further articles. Here we could find the most important web-sites (including those sources and publications which are available via internet in electronic form), moreover canonical materials which are accessible on microfiche or CD-ROM. This fundamentally revised and supplemented new edition of Card. Peter Erdő’s canon law handbook - which revision was done by Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem., president of the Canon Law Institute “ad instar facultatis” (Budapest) - is continually building that canon law “school” which has been formed by the Author’s logical teaching activity, always testifying his wide and rich knowledge in the field of culture of theology and law, showing his extra­ordinary clear categories which have been crystalized by his personal experien­ces at the Roman Curia and also through his highly recognized scientific re­searches. The new volume therefore is not only an indispensable essential work for different levels of the canon law instruction, or unique help for the Hunga­rian ecclesiastical tribunals during their daily routine, but also an extraordinary useful work for diocesan offices, parishes, and for everyone who likes to under­stand the independent internal juridical system and law-theory of the Catholic Church. Rita Ferenczy

