Folia Theologica et Canonica 2. 24/16 (2013)
266 RECENSIONS tion until the present day. He is member of several other dicasteries wherein he helps the professional daily work of the Holy See. Card. Grocholewski has been decorated honorary doctorate titles by many Universities - recognizing his unique scientific work - and among these universities we can find the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (2010). The Festive Volume’s articles are organized into three distinctive chapters. Right before this structure we can find some important appreciating letters. Among them at the most distinguished place are situated the letter of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Their words are followed by letter of Stanislaw Gqdecki (archbishop of Poznan); Angelo Card. Sodano (Dean of the College of Cardinals); Józef Kowalczyk (Primate of Poland); Celestino Migliore (archbishop, apostolic nuncio of Poland); and the common letter by the staff of the Congregation for Catholic Education. After this part is situated the so called Tabula gratulatoria which contains very prestigious names. The first chapter is dedicated to the history of life of the celebrated Cardinal. It is introduced by the laudation of Marek Jçdraszewski (archbishop of Lodz) [35M1]. Here we can read articles by Grzegorz Balcerek, Stanislaw Napierala, François-Xavier Dumortier, Jan Slowinski, Rafal Rybacki, Giorgio Marino, Pawel Malecha, Ignacy Dec, Zdzislaw Fortuniak, and Marian Król (42-119). The chapter is concluding by the greeting letter of the President of the Fu Jen Catholic University. Within the second chapter are collected those articles from the canon law science field which were composed to honor of Card. Grocholewski (125-288). This section has been enriched such important authors like Manuel Jesus Arroba Conde, Phillip J. Brown, Raymon Leo Card. Burke, Ariel David Busso, Frans Daneels, Ginter Dzierzon, Peter Card. Erdő, Wojciech Góralski, Józef Krukowski, Joaquin Llobell, Klaus Liidicke, Gianpalo Montini, Bartosz Nowa- kowski, Nikolaus Schöch, Hugo Schwendenwein. Henryk Stawniak, and Luc- jan Swito. The third chapter - which is the last and the most extensive - contains articles about the teaching activity of the Catholic Church (290-599). Here can be read writings of Britt-Mari Barth, Friedrich Bechina, Sjur Bergan,Walter Card. Brandmüller, Philippe Capelle-Dumont, Herminio V. Dagohoy, Giuseppe dalla Torre, Adelbert Denaux, Jean-Paul Durand, Jaime Emilio Gonzalez Magana, James J. Henessy, Andrei Marga, Janusz Mastalski, Wieslaw Mering, Jerzy Myszor, Hein M. C. M. van Oorschot, Luciano Pazzaglia, Jan Sadlak, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Elio Card. Sgreccia, Manlio Sodi, Jan Szpet, Guy- Réal Thivierge, Jerzy Troska, Robert Tyrala, Etienne Verhack, and Alfredo Horacio Zecca. At the very end of this impressive volume has taken place pictures of the most important periods of Zenon Card. Grocholewski (601-610). This volume which even regarding its contents is professionally commanding represents in worthy form those particular values which were promoted by Zenon Card. Grocholewski during his ecclesiastical service till now. The cel