Folia Theologica et Canonica 2. 24/16 (2013)
FOLIA THEOLOGICA ET CANONICA (2013) 265-282 Quod iustum est et aequuim. Scritti in onore del Cardinale Zenone Grocholewski per il cinquantesimo di sacerdozio (a cura di Mons. Marek Jçdraszewski, Archivescovo Metropolita di Lódz don Jan Slowinki, Facoltà Teologica dell Università di Poznan), Poznan 2013, pp. 614 The life and scientific work of Zenon Card. Grocholewski have enriched the Apostolic Holy See on the highest professional level continuously from the time of Pope Paul VI, serving a qualified activity of the Roman dicasteries, which means service of the entire Catholic Church and all of the faithful. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his ordination a priest has been published a representative volume with delightful typography, composed by those who attached to any period of his rich walk of life and they trough this publication intended to express their honor toward the celebrated Zenon Card. Grocholewski. These authors and friends have serious experience about that importance which made the well balanced and wise personal decisions indispensable during the last decades on the day to day basis of the life of the Catholic Church. Concerning the plentiful walk of life of Card. Grocholewski we would like to indicate here only few remarkable facts. He was bom on October 11th 1939 in Bródki (Poland) and his priestly formation was done in the Diocesan Seminary of Poznan. He was ordained a priest on May 27th 1963. Zenon Grocholewski studied canon law at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana in the Eternal City since 1966. This date is significant regarding the canon law instruction because it was that period which followed immediately the Second Vatican Council and the new Code of Canon Law was not composed and promulgated yet. Accordingly this reason is really notable that Zenon Grocholewski had begun to teach canon law in his alma mater already in 1975, continued it until 1999. Nevertheless, in the same time he became invited professor of the Pontificia Università Lateranense too (1980-1984) and the teaching program of the Rota Romana (1986-1998). John Paul II consecrated him a titular bishop in 1983, then he has received archbishop tile in 1991. 2001 is the year when the Holy Father created him cardinal, however for that time Card. Grocholewski has already was nominated as Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura (1998) then he has lead the Congregation for Catholic Education (since 1999). He holds this posi-