Dr. Murai Éva szerk.: Parasitologia Hungarica 14. (Budapest, 1982)

Professor Tibor KOBULEJ has retired* Dr. Tibor KASSÁT University of Veterinary Science, Department of General Zoology and Parasitology, Budapest, Hungary "Professor Tibor Kobulej has retired" - Kassai, T. - Parasit, hung. 14: 103-104. 1981-82. On 1st July 1982 Professor Tibor KOBULEJ, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, head of the Department of General Zoology and Parasitology at the University of Veterinary Science in Budapest, retired. Tibor KOBULEJ was born in Munkács in the Czech Republic on 20th March 1921 as son of an Ukrainian railway officer. He carried out his grammar school studies at his birthplace, Munkács, and at Bereg­szász., In 1940 he was admitted to the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the Józscf Nádor University of Technical and Economic Sciences of Budapest where he graduated as veterinarian in 1944. By the last waves of World War II he was thrown to Germany where he stayed as à prisoner of war. Following his return to Hungary it was only in 1946 that he could cope up with professional requirements of a veterinary practitioner at Rákoscsaba, a nearby village to the capital. On the basis of his thesis entitled "Interrelationship between changes in weather conditions and colic disease of the horse" he got his DVM degree in 1948. He joined the Department of General Zoology and Parasitology headed by Professor Sándor KOTLÁN in May 1947. When Professor KOTLÁN retired in 1966, Tibor KOBULEJ became in charge of the Depart­ment. It was in 1968 that he was promoted university professor. In 1952 the degree of Candidate of the Veterinary Sciences was awarded to him in view of his former activity. He obtained twice the award of the Eminent Worker of Agriculture. In 1956 the golden medal of Order of Work was given to him . In the course of his career the professional work was always combined with communal and political ac­tivities. Therefore, his work resulted in success in teaching, education and research as well as in many other fields of veterinary medicine. The overwhelming majority of currently practicing veterinarians in Hungary graduated in the course of those 16 years while the teaching of parasitology was under the charge of Tibor KOBULEJ. Thus, they obtained their basic knowledge of parasitology from him and from the textbook KOTLÁN and KOBULEJ: Parasitology, published in 1972. He has always endeavoured to maintain close relationship between field problems of parasitology and the Department. He also exploited his wide practical knowledge and ex­perience as regular lecturer in the post-graduate veterinary training and the regional refresher courses for field veterinarians, as well as author or co-author of lecture notes on various aspects of veterinary parasitology. *A méltatás magyar nyelven olvasható a Majryar Állatorvosok Lapja 1982. 37/7., júliusi számában.

