Kovács I. (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 78. (Budapest 1986)

Merkl, O.: A review of the Australian species of the subtribe Statirina (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Lagriini)

Type material — Holotype, çf, labelled as follows : Gordon's Mine Area, Iron Range, N. Qld. 12-18. II. 1976 G. B. Monteith Rainforest / Holotypus çf Casnonidea brevimargi­nis Merkl, 1976 [red]. Queensland Museum, Register number: T 10,061. It is deposited in QMBA. —• Paratypes. Queensland: labelled as holotype (1 çf, HNHM ex QMBA); Ayr, 2. VI. 1956, G. Saunders (1 9, UQIC); Cairns, 20.1. 1937 (1 9, ANIC, 1 9, HNHM ex ANIC, both identified as Synatractus variabilis MACLEAY var. limbatus BORCHMANN); id., IV. 1947. J. G. Brook (2 9> AMSA, both identified as Synatractus variabilis MACLEAY var. limbatus BORCHMANN); id., 4. II. 1975, H. & A. Howden (1 çf, CNCI); Cairns dist., E. Allen (2 ? 9, QMBA, register numbers: T. 10,062 and T. 10,063); Cardstone, nr. Tully Falls, 9. I. 1962, E. B. Britton (1 9, BMNH); Edge Hill, Cairns, 18. IV-14. V. 1965, J. G. Brooks (1 çf, ANIC); High Leigh, Gordonvale, 13. II. 1965, J. G. Brooks (1 9, ANIC); Iron Range, 28. IV-4. V. 1968, G. Monteith (1 çf, UQIC); Mossman, J. F. Illingworth (1 9, BMNH, identified as Synatractus variabilis MACLEAY by A. M. Lea); 32 km S of Ravenshoe, 17. 38 S, 145.29 E, 12. II. 1966, K. Hyde (1 çf, ANIC); 2 mis ENE of Rollings­tone, 26. IV. 1969, I. F. B. Common & M. S. Upton (1 Q, ANIC); U. Barron, 27. II. 1964, R. Elder (1 9. UQIC). All specimens are tagged with my yellow paratype labels. Distribution: This species is known from northern Queensland. The southernmost loca­lity is Ayr. Remarks — This species is similar to Casnonidea nigrovittata Pic. Casnonidea nigrovittata, however, has the black lateral margin of elytra extending from the humeral angle to apex. Casnonidea brevimarginis has about twice as many setigerous punctures at unpaired intervals as nigrovittata. Casnonidea hackeri (BORCHMANN, 1936) comb. n. (Figs. 13-15, 23) Synatractus hackeri BORCHMANN, 1936, p. 399. Colour moderately variable. Head reddish to black (mostly reddish), pronotum and scutellum reddish brown, very rarely dark brown, elytra reddish brown or black with waak greenish or bluish sheen. Epipleura reddish to black. Antennae brown, segments I and II reddish. Legs reddish or brown with femoral basis paler. Ventral surface pale to dark brown. Length 10.0-10.7 mm. — Head with feebly impressed longitudinal furrow on moderately swollen vertex. Antennae rather slender. Prono­tum as long as broad. — Punctural rows on e 1 y t r a rather shallowly impressed, vanishing before apex except rows I and X. Elytral intervals slightly convex. Paired intervals entirely glabrous, unpaired intervals with setigerous punctures scattered throughout the whole length. Interval I with 13, II with 11, V with 11, VII with 8, IX with 9, lateral margin with 18 setigerous puncterus. Setae pale, rather long. Legs with hairs quite short, semierect. — Tegmen and median lobe as figured (Figs. 13-15). — Flabitus: Fig. 23. Type material — BORCHMANN (1936) did not publish the deposition of the two specimens mentioned in the description ("1 çf von Australien: Cairns, 1 9 v ° n Queensland."). It is most likely that they have been destroyed in Hamburg during the World War II. As neotype I have selected a male from the material of ANIC. The specimen is labelled as follows: 10.5 m. up Whitfield Ra. Cairns. N. Q. / 28.10.70. J. G. Brooks "at light" / J. G. Brooks Bequest, 1976 / Neotypus çf Synatractus hackeri Borchmann, 1936 des. O. Merkl, 1986 [red]. The neotype is deposited in ANIC. Distribution: This species occurs in northern Queensland, mainly in the Atherton Table­land. Non-type material examined. — Queensland: Birthday Creek, via Paluma, 4. I. 1973, B. Cantrell (1, UQIC); Black Mt. Rd., nr. Kuranda, 21. I. 1962, E. B. Britton (2, BMNH); 4 mis. S of Atherton, 11. II. 1975, H. & A. Howden (1, CNCI) ; Cairns, 8. X. 1969, R. E. Parrott (1, CNCI); id., X. 1970, G. Brooks (1, ANIC); Gap Ck., 6 mis N of Bloomfield R., 13-14. XI. 1965, G. Monteith (1, UQIC); Little Mulgrave, 16. XL 1969, R. E. Parrott (1, CNCI); Mount Garnet, I. 1955, G. Brooks (1, ANIC); Kuranda, Wheeler (1, MCZC);id„ 3. III. 1909, G. E. Bryant (1, BMNH) ; Paluma, 18.59 S 146.09 E, 12.1. 1970, Britton & Miskod, ANIC); id., 2 km SE, 18.59 S, 146.09 E, 17. I. 1970, Britton & Misko (1, ANIC); id., 10 km W, c. 2900', 11.55 S, 143.18 E, 15. I. 1970, E. B. Britton (1, ANIC); id., 6 km NW on Paluma Dam Rd., 18.59 S, 146.09 E, 14. I. 1970, E. Britton (1, ANIC); Pamula Dam, 27. XII. 1963, G. Monteith (1, UQIC); id., 30-31. XI. 1964 (2, UQIC); no closer locality 20. IV. 1922, H. J. Carter (1, NMVA, identified as Synatractus variabilis MACLEAY var. impiceus by J. Armstrong).

