Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 51. (Budapest 1959)

Babos, M.: Notes on the occurrence in Hungary of Lactarius species with regard to their range in Europe

gary. It occurs mainly in the associations Luzulo-Quercetum, Potentillo-Querce­tum (petraea, cerris) pannonicum and Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum. Herb. : 35 data. — Lit. : copious in oakwoods in Nyir, Talfája, Helvécia, Nagykőrös, Puszta­Vacs, Com. Pest, Hollós (1913) ; sub nom. L. campho­ratus : in Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum et Potentillo-Quercetum (petraea, cerris) pannonicum, Mt. Hársbokorhegy, Mts. Buda, Bohus (1952). Mycocoenological survey data : (Bohus & Babos 1958) ; in the Mts. Buda : in Potentillo-Quercetum (petraea, cerris) pannonicum, Mt. Hársbokorhegy, 7 July 1958 ; in Fageto-Ornetum hungaricum, Mt. Szarvashegy, 18 July 1954 ; in Luzulo-Quercetum dicranosum, Mt. Tökhegy, 12 June, 10, 18, 24 July 1954, 24, 31 August, 13, 24 Sept., 15, 29 Oct. 1955 ; in Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum, 31 August, 24 Sept., 29 Oct. 1955 ; in the Mts. Bükk : in Luzulo­Quercetum, Mt. SamassahegA% 20 August, 4 Oct. 1955 ; in Luzulo-Quercetum myrtilletosum, Mt. Balázshegy, 21 August, 6 Oct., 1955, 30 June 1956 ; in Potentillo-Quercetum (petraea, cerris) pannonicum festucetosum heterophyllae, 21 August 1955, 30 June 1956 ; in the Mts. Zemplén, in Luzulo-Quercetum, Mt. Nagysomhegy 16 July 1958 ; in Luzulo-Quercetum fagetosum, Mt. Laczkó­hegy, 16 July 1958 ; in Luzulo-Quercetum fagetosum, Mt. Kiskerekhegy, 25 Oct. 1958 ; in Luzulo-Quercetum fagetosum. Mt. Nagvkerekhegv, 17 Sept. 1958, 25 Oct. 1958. Lactarius camphoratus Bull, ex Fr. This species, ranging generally over the whole European area, is frequent in Central Europe but missing from the northern territories ; nor is it much distributed in Hungary. On the ground of the mycological investigations in the past few years, it may be stated as frequent in the association Luzulo-Quer­cetum in the Mts. Zemplén. Herbarium data also refer to this locality only. At the time of the collectings, L. serifluus. of dark brown caps and also of a smell suggesting cichory coffee, could be found too in the collecting localities of L. camphoratus. The broader amplitude of occurrence in Hungary of L. serifluus overlaps in this place the more restricted area of L. camphoratus. Herb. : in the Mts. Zemplén : in Luzulo-Quercetum fagetosum, Mt. Nagy­somhegy, 17 Sept. 1957, 16 July 1958, leg. Bohus & Babos: in Luzulo­Quercetum fagetosum, 17 Sept. 1958, Mt. Nagykerekhegy, leg. Bohus & Babos; in Luzulo-Quercetum fagetosum, Mt. Kiskerekhegy, 17 Sept. 1958, leg. Bohus & Babos. Mycocoenological survey data : (Bohus & Babos 1958) : in the Mts. Zemplén : in Luzulo-Quercetum, Mt. Nagysomhegy, 16 July 1958 (in masses) ; in Luzulo-Quercetum fagetosum, 16 July 1958 (in masses) ; in Luzulo­Quercetum fagetosum, Mt. Laczkóhegy, 16 July 1958 ; in Luzulo-Quercetum fagetosum, Mt. Kiskerekhegy, 17 Sept., 7 Oct. 1958 ; in Luzulo-Quercetum, Mt. Nagy kerekhegy, 17 Sept., 7 Oct. 1958. Lactarius thejogalus Bull, ex Fr. Lacking herbarium materials, literature data cannot be interpreted. Nor do these data give any reference to the fructifying localities of the species. On this basis, L. thejogalus is rare in Hungary, or was never found here yet.

