Technikatörténeti szemle 17. (1988-89)
CHORICHLE The Development of Science and Technology in Central Europe between 1918—1938 (Conference) (in German) 203 Gusztáv GAJDOS Creative Hungarians (Travelling Exhibition in India) (in Hungarian) 206 From the History of Hungarian Surveying (Exhibition) (in Hungarian) 207 Éva Katalin VÁMOS CIMUSET '88 Conference Budapest (in Hungarian) 213 Gyula KOZMA Creative Hungarians for the Technological Development (Exhibiton) (in Hungarian) ... 215 First Hungarian Computer 30 Years Old (Exhibition) (in Hungarian) 219 ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Scientific and Educational Activity of the National Museum for Science and Technology (1983—1987) 225 BOOK REVIEWS Árpád HORVÁTH László Fejér — Woldemár Lászlóffy: The Development of Hydrometry in Hungary (1700—1945) (in Hungarian) 253 Árpád HORVÁTH Hungarian Great Men in Technology, Vol. 6 (Ed. István Pénzes) (in Hungarian) ... 254 Árpád HORVÁTH Ladislav Svihran : Our Friend Jules Verne (in Hungarian) ... 255 Árpád HORVÁTH Jákó Csikvári: History of Transport Means, Trains, Post Offices, Telegraph Offices and Steam Ships. Volumes I —II (in Hungarian) 256 Árpád HORVÁTH Tibor Buday — Klára Buday-Mosonyi: The Prince of Physics: Loránd Eötvös, his Life and Activities (in Hungarian) 257 Árpád HORVÁTH L. Molnár — A. Weiss : Ignaz Edler von Born and The Society of Mining 1786 (in German) 258 Árpád HORVÁTH Theophilus Presbyter : On Various Crafts (in Hungarian) 259 Árpád HORVÁTH Authors' Team: Steam Engines. The Reciprocating Steam Engine as Historical Phenomenon and Technological Monument (in German) ... 259