Technikatörténeti szemle 17. (1988-89)

CHORICHLE The Development of Science and Technology in Central Europe between 1918—1938 (Conference) (in German) 203 Gusztáv GAJDOS Creative Hungarians (Travelling Exhibition in In­dia) (in Hungarian) 206 From the History of Hungarian Surveying (Exhibi­tion) (in Hungarian) 207 Éva Katalin VÁMOS CIMUSET '88 Conference Budapest (in Hungarian) 213 Gyula KOZMA Creative Hungarians for the Technological Deve­lopment (Exhibiton) (in Hungarian) ... 215 First Hungarian Computer 30 Years Old (Exhibi­tion) (in Hungarian) 219 ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Scientific and Educational Activity of the National Museum for Science and Technology (1983—1987) 225 BOOK REVIEWS Árpád HORVÁTH László Fejér — Woldemár Lászlóffy: The Develop­ment of Hydrometry in Hungary (1700—1945) (in Hungarian) 253 Árpád HORVÁTH Hungarian Great Men in Technology, Vol. 6 (Ed. István Pénzes) (in Hungarian) ... 254 Árpád HORVÁTH Ladislav Svihran : Our Friend Jules Verne (in Hun­garian) ... 255 Árpád HORVÁTH Jákó Csikvári: History of Transport Means, Trains, Post Offices, Telegraph Offices and Steam Ships. Volumes I —II (in Hungarian) 256 Árpád HORVÁTH Tibor Buday — Klára Buday-Mosonyi: The Prince of Physics: Loránd Eötvös, his Life and Activities (in Hungarian) 257 Árpád HORVÁTH L. Molnár — A. Weiss : Ignaz Edler von Born and The Society of Mining 1786 (in German) 258 Árpád HORVÁTH Theophilus Presbyter : On Various Crafts (in Hun­garian) 259 Árpád HORVÁTH Authors' Team: Steam Engines. The Reciprocating Steam Engine as Historical Phenomenon and Tech­nological Monument (in German) ... 259

