Technikatörténeti szemle 17. (1988-89)

CONTENTS STUDIES István TRINGLI István WÖLLER Lech KRÓLIKOWSKI Imre VÁRHIDY György PETŐ György KISS H. M. Béla TÓTH Győző KOVÁCS Endre N. LÁSZLÓ Ferenc SZABADVÁRY Éva Katalin VÁMOS László MÓRA Walter ENDREI Central Mining and Mint Administration in the Habs­burg Monarchy 1713—1848 (in Hungarian) Development of the Hungarian Mill Industry and Industrial Monument Protection (in Hungarian) ... Joseph (Zachary) Bern, General and Engineer (in Hungarian) Data to the History of Mechanization of Potato and Corn Harvesting in Hungary in the Second Half of the 19 th Century as Reflected in Statistical Data (in Hungarian) On the Initial Two Decades of Hungarian Electri­fication, in Particular on the Pioneer Activities of Heves County (in Hungarian) The Application of Psychology in Hungarian Eco­nomy between the Two World Wars (in Hunga­rian) ... Contribution to the History of the Famous Wooden Bridge in Torda (in Hungarian) ... A Period of Initiatives and Development in the Hungarian Leather Industry: 1918—38 (in German) Hungarian Pioneers in Computer Technology (in Hungarian) Gold-panning along the Danube (in Hungarian) ... French-Hungarian Scientific and Technological Re­lations 1730—1820 (in French) The Hungarian Industry at the Budapest Spring Fairs (1918—38) The Activities of the National Scientific Council and Fund (1926—1944) (in Hungarian) A Woollen and Finecloth Mill at the Beginning of the 19 th Century (in Hungarian) 29 49 63 81 91 97 105 117 139 163 169 177 195

