Technikatörténeti szemle 12. (1980-81)

TANULMÁNYOK - Terplán Zénó: Galamb József (1881–1955) és a Ford T-modell

5. Callaham, J. M.: Galamb, Ford's Friend, Dies ... He Helped Design Model T. =* Automotive News. 1955. dec 26-i sz. 5. old. 6. Sweinhart, J.: Who's News Today. = The Detroit News Apr. 14, 1944. 3. old. 7. Terplán, Z.: Dimensionierungsf ragen der Zahnrad-Planetengetriebe. Akadémiai Ki­adó. 1974. 1/304. 8. Terplán Zénó—Antal Miklós—Apró Ferenc—Döbröczöni Ádám: Fogaskerék-boly­góművek. Műszaki Könyvkiadó. Bp. 1979. 1/258. 9. Heidt, P. M.: Torque Converters or Transmissions. 5. kiad. Chilton Company. Phi­ladelphia. 1955. „Ford Model T Transmission". 229/230. 10. Tavy Lóránd: Sebességváltás és sebességváltók (folyt.). = Technika. 8. (1927) 6. 176/178. 11. Sorensen, Ch. E.: My Forty Years with Ford. Colliers Bodis. New York. 1956. ZÉNÓ TERPLÁN: JÓZSEF GALAMB (1881—1955) AND THE MODEL T FORD In the history of the automobile one of the most notable events is the model T's coming out in October 1908. Until 1927 fifteen million cars had been producted without any considerable alteration. According to the technical literature, J. Galamb, was born and educated in Hungary, played a prominent part in the designing of the model T. In this paper the careerof J. Galamb, who was born in Makó of peasants, and the epicyclic trainlike transmission of model T, as a curiosity of the technical history, have been reviewed.

