A BTM Aquincumi Múzeumának ásatásai és leletmentései 2006-ban (Aquincumi Füzetek 13. Budapest, 2007)

Régészeti kutatások a katonavárosi amphitheatrum keleti előterében, a Spitzer Gerzson által alapított kékfestőgyár területén II. (Kirchhof Anita - Tóth J. Attila - Kondorosy Szabolcs)

Aquincum canabae.) Aqfüz 9 (2003) 33­52. KIRCIIIIOF 2005 - Kirchhof A.: Régészeti kutatások a katonavárosi amphithcatrum keleti előterében, a Spitzer Gcrzson ál­tal alapított kékfestőgvár területén I. (Archaeological investigations in the eastern foreground of the Military' Town amphitheatre, in the area of the bluc­dying factory founded by Gerzson Spitzer I.) Aqfüz 11 (2005) 13-30. KIRCHHOF 2006 - Kirchhof A.: Buda­pest, III. ker., Nagyszombat utca F, Hrsz.: 17970/1. Aqfüz 12 (2006) 13., 221-222. MADARASSY 2000 - Madarassy O.: Régészeti kutatások az aquincumi kato­naváros területén, 1999. Archaeological investigations in tbc Military Town of Aquincum, 1999. Aqfüz 6 (2000) 46-55. MADARASSY 2003 - Madarassy ().: Die canabae legionis. In: Forschungen in Aquincum 1969-2002. Aquincum Nostrum II. 2. (2003) 101-111. MADARASSY 2004 - Madarassy O.: Ko­rai telepjelenségek kutatása az aquincumi canabae déli régiójában. Aqfüz 10 (2004) 30-36. PÓCZY 1983 - Póczv K.: Az aquincumi katonaváros utcahálózata és fontosabb épületei a II. és a III. században. ArchErt 110 (1983) 252-273. TÓTH 2005 - loth J. A.: Szeged, Tisza­meder. Régészeti Kutatások Magyarorszá­gon 2004 (2005) 288-89. WELLNFR 1971 - Wellner I.: Leletmen­tések az aquincumi canabae déli szélénél BudRég22 (1971) 411. 2005, 289) The frames are not enough to tell the exact shape of the vessel but it cer­tainly had a flat bottom. It must have been a cargo boat without a keel. (Fig. 9) The frame timbers cannot be dated based on morpological traits since frame timbers cut from a single piece of wood were used in the Middle Ages as well as in modern times for light, flat-bottomed boats. Pottery shards from the Modern period were also found at the site of the frame timbers. The dendrochronological analysis of the sample taken from one of the frame timbers gave uncertain results: it dated the felling of the tree to around 1830 at the earliest. We have few detailed records of the history of boat-building in Hungary, so the finds from Nagyszombat Street are of special importance. (A.TJ.) A large number of clav-pipes were re­covered during the excavations of phase II, similarly to phase I in 2004. (Fig. 10) These clay-pipes represent 55 types disre­garding the measurement variations. The items coming from different provenances (the most common workshop stamps are: FODOR A, SELMECZ, MOHÁCS, the images on the stamps: coat-of-arms of Sel­mecbánya, a horse head) were made in the 19th century; just like the material from phase I, although the stamps that frequent­ly occurred in that material (M HONIG SCHEMNITZ, SELIG TAUSIG) rarely ap­peared this time. (KIRCHHOF 2005, 22) The diverse geographical provenance of the large number of unused yet broken pipes suggests the presence nearby of a commer­cial store that perhaps had a xvorkshop op­erating with it. Thus, a few types may have been locally produced. (Sz.K.) Anita Kirchhof - Attila J. Tóth - Szabolcs Kondorosy

