A BTM Aquincumi Múzeumának ásatásai és leletmentései 2003-ban (Aquincumi Füzetek 10. Budapest, 2004)

Újabb adatok az úgynevezett Testvérhegyi villa topográfiai helyzetéhez (T. Láng Orsolya)

gráfiai helyzete nem lehet véletlen. A villa­gazdaság bejárati komplexumával szemben fekvő területről van szó, ahol a gazdaságból kivezető belső útnak rá kellett csatlakoznia a fő, diagonális útvonalra. így itt kisebb útcsomópontot kell feltételeznünk, amely talán a környék lakóinak temetkezési helye is volt. A 3. század első fele és a 4. század eleje közé keltezhető sírok mindenesetre az Aquincum környéki villagazdaságok prosperáló korszakát idézik. '].' Láng Orsolya Irodalom/Re ferences: GARÁDY 1936 - Garády S.: Ásatások az óbudai Leopold-téglagyár mellett. [Exca­vations next to the Óbuda brick factory] ArchÉrt 49 (1936) 88-96. GARÁDY 1938 - Garády S.: Az Aquin­cum— Brigetiói római út felkutatása az óbudai Aranyhegyi árok mentén. [Re­search on the Aquincum-Brigetio road along the path of the Óbuda Aranyhegy ditch] Laurcae Aquinccncs DissPan II, 10 I(1938) 184-187. LANG 2003 - Láng ().: Római kori útrész­letek az aquincumi polgárváros municipá­lis territóriumán (az úgynevezett testvér­hegyi villa környezete) [Roman period road segments in the municipal territory of the Aquincum Civil Town (the environs of the so-called Testverhegy villa)] Aqfüz 9 (2003) 95-110. AD 3 rd century and the beginning of the AD 4 th century (III Gordianus(?), Philip­pus Arabs and, Ilostilianus, Galcrius (?) coins). An intact vessel (Spruchbechcr), a glass bead and other sherds found scat­tered between two graves imply that some graves must have been violated in this area. According to the antropologist Eva Tankó's analyses, five of the six very poorly preserved skeletons were from burials of adults while one of the burials was that of an infant. Prior to the period the graves were placed there, a northwest-southeast ori­ented cart road consisting of three layers crossed the territory It was made from small pieces of rubble and appeared to have been a dirt road. Its affiliation is uncertain but it was certainly no longer in use when the cemetery was established. The topographical situation of the features unearthed on the western side of the diagonal road (cemetery fragment, cart road) cannot be incidental. It is the area facing the entrance to the villa farm where the interior road coming from the farm must have joined the main diagonal road. Perhaps a small road junction was the place the inhabitants of the area bur­ied their dead. The graves, dated from the first half of the AD 3"' century and the be­ginning of the AD 4 th century, represent a time when life at the villa farms flourished around Aquincum. Orsolya T. Láng

